Our babies

Monday, July 2, 2012

3 months old!

 Asher has experienced a lot this last month.  For starters, a 10 hour car ride to our new place in Shreveport, Louisiana. He was a rock star in the car.  He talked to me and only fussed once when we were in a dead stop on the interstate.  I was fussy about it too so I don't blame him.  He has had many 'firsts' down here.  First time swimming, first time in 100+ heat, first time in his own crib and own room at night, and the list goes on. The coolest thing that Asher does now is smiles back at you.  If you smile at him, he will look right at you and smile back.  I love it! He coos and squeaks all the time.  In the morning I can hear him talk to himself through the monitor.  It is nice waking up to that.  Mike started his new job so he isn't with us most of the day, but when he gets home Asher gets so excited to see Daddy. He is also sucking on his hands a lot to soothe himself.  Sometimes he nibbles on his thumb, but right now it is the whole hand.  It can make for a slobbery mess, but I think this means we will have a thumb sucker.  When I carry him now, he rests his head on my shoulder and grabs a chunk of my hair on the other side as if he is holding on tight.  Asher stays awake for most of our walks now.  That's exciting because he is seeing so much of the world!

 Here is what I am talking about.

Rex is holding Asher's arm down ever so gently to lick the slobber off.

I think I posted this before, but I love it so much. Asher was chillin' on the floor and Rex came right up and decided he would chill with him.

Grandma Sally holding Asher so Mama and Daddy could eat their last meal in Columbia.

He was crying and I look over and this is what I see.  He was crying in his sleep.

On our morning walk at our new place.

All ready for swimming!!

Our first time at the pool! But many more times on the way.

After the first time at the pool - exhausted.

Lookin' Cute!

Asher loves Mr. Turtle.  They sit in his crib and play all the time.

Waiting for Daddy after his first day on his new job.

On our evening walk he is wide awake!

I thought I would throw one in of Rex, our other baby.  He loves the lake in our apartment complex.  There are turtles, birds and fish to chase.  We have to be careful on walks because Rex goes after them and Asher and I don't want to go with.

Napping after an excellent Skype date with the Whites.

Second time swimming.  This time we got out the floating car. Asher loved it! He just sat back comfortably as Mike and I moved him around.
We got him out of the pool, changed him and put him in his stroller.  Before Mike and I had time to dry off and get ready for the walk back, Asher was passed out.  I guess swimming really does make you tired.
After the 10 hour car ride, in our new place.  Asher stretched out on the floor and wiggled for about an hour.  Poor kid was tired of being in his car seat.

Father and Son checking the internet.

Room decorations. Aunt Missy sent us the link for this idea. All I did was put a few nails in the wall and wrap string around them.


3 months old!!!

This smile is going to win all the ladies when he is older!

 Here are some videos that I have taken.  (Sorry they are sideways) Many of them you can hear Asher talk.