Our babies

Sunday, September 2, 2012

5 months old

I know I recently posted about our trip, but I wanted to post about all the fun things Asher has been doing.  He is growing up so fast! He giggles and smiles all the time. He is rolling over like crazy.  We put him on his play mat and next thing we know he is rolling under the futon!  We have had ups and downs in the sleeping area.  Some nights he sleeps for 11 hours with no interruptions.  Then other nights he wakes up every 4 hours.  Crazy kid!  Naps are becoming more of a routine since we started swaddling again.  I found that if he can't flail, he sleeps soundly. Asher naps a little in the morning and a nice long nap in the afternoon.  He loves bathtime and having water poured on his belly. He tries to play with Rex but batting his hands at him.

 Okay here are some pics and videos to show you in no particular order.

Sleepy time

Watching the Olympics.

 Watching the Colts!!!

 So Asher spit up while playing on his Tummy. He then smeared it all over his face.  Good thing Rex was there to help clean up!

Naptime swaddles again.  He is beginning to outgrow his swaddle wrap.

Our first hurricane!  We ventured out around the parking lot.  It wasn't that exciting, just rain.

Asher puts everything in his mouth these days....even his toes.

This is the picture we submitted to Gerber.  Voting begins Tuesday!!

 This is how he plays now.....under the futon.
 We tried out the Johnny-Jump-Up.....he is a little too small still.  It says 4m+, just not for Asher.

Watching the Buckeyes!!

Dad, I don't want to take pics, the Bucks are playing.

Watching Kirk on Gameday!

Onesie made at the shower for his first Buckeye game.

 First beer...not really.  Like I said, he puts everything in his mouth. When he went for the beer, we had to take a pic.  He wanted it so bad!