Our babies

Sunday, February 3, 2013

10 months old!

Ground Hog day and Mardi Gras both fell on Asher's 10 month birthday. He also took his first steps....which caught us by surprise (see Facebook post from last night). We are working on getting a video of this but he seems to have an attitude about it. :) Asher is finishing up his last few Size 2 diapers and then we will move on to Size 3. We weighed him last week and he was somewhere in the mid 17lbs range. He had big boy shoes, size 3, he wears for walking. Still wearing 6m-9m clothes. No longer do we use the baby tub, he gets to roam around the big tub during bath time. I made the mistake of giving him some of my lunch a few weeks back; he will no longer eat baby food. It has been interesting giving him food to eat. If I am eating something, he is like a seagull begging for food.  We have tried peas, carrots, cucumbers, mac and cheese, rice, pizza, bread, granola bars....you name it, he has begged for it. Mac and cheese is his favorite which is nice because I could eat it every day for lunch. I love it! We are working on using a sippy cup. Pediatrician says to start early so it is a smooth transition when he turns one. Baby puffs, cereal puffs, yogurt dots...this kid loves food just like his Mama and Daddy. We have a new bedtime routine because Asher did not like going to bed at night. Around 7:30 one of us takes him in his room, gets him changed and read books while listening to lullabies. Then the other parent comes in around 7:45 and feeds him his bottle. When he is finished he crawls into his crib and gets comfy then falls asleep on his own. It is nice to have a little one on one quiet time with him.

(I was at the store a few days ago and the check out lady called Asher 'Tank'. It was her nickname for all babies, but I found it funny because that is/was our nickname for him.)

Here is what you are waiting for:
 New toys from Christmas. Once we were home, he played with them nonstop! They have definitely helped him learn to walk. He strolls all over the house.

Just trying to play a few video games like Mama and Daddy.

I love lunch!!!

After bath time. Nice and snuggly in my towel.

I see you, do you see me??? What are you doing over there?

Go Buckeyes!!!

Asher knows how to use a tape deck. He will probably never need to use this skill in life, but he knows how. He takes the tape out and puts it back in. He puts his toys in there and dvds and anything he can get his hands on.

Crazy hair!!!

Checking DrudgeReport with Daddy.


Quiet time before bed.

This is him dancing.