Our babies

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spring in the south = Summer

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another about yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lor's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.      -Romans 12:9-13

I am not sure if I will keep up with the months. It is so much easier to say that Asher is 1 year old. :) We have enjoyed the beautiful weather down here. We have hit the pool a few times already and Asher is still a water baby. We have had a period of sick time with Asher. After his birthday party we found he had a bad ear infection. It contributed to the sore throat, runny nose, and cough. After ten days of meds, he was doing awesome! The next night he puked his guts out and had a 24 hour bug. That was a first for Mike and I. I was hardly phased by the puke as I am standing in the tub with Asher in his diaper - both covered in his vomit. I was holding him and rocking him sitting on the edge of the tub as he cried. It was my baby and I did what I had to do. This was another test from God, but Mike and I passed. We are so thankful and blessed that we have had it easy. We have only had a number of times when he has been sick. We know it could be way worse and are thankful that God is easing us into parenthood. He is walking like crazy and is really good at it. He also likes to go for wagon rides and nature walks. Asher gives high fives, hugs, open-mouth kisses, and pretends to talk on the phone. We love him so much. 

Where we are:
Breakfast: adult bowl of oatmeal and fruit
Lunch: P,B&J, yogurt, crackers
Snack: fruit and veggie pouch
Dinner: whatever we are having
This kid eats as much as we do! In fact, I have lost weight this last month because he eats my portion.

Size 3 diapers
Size 6-9m Shorts/9&12m pants
Size 9&12m tops
Size 3 or 4 shoes depends on how tight we can get them
Size 9m,12m, or 18m pajamas - this has been tricky for us. Some 9m still fit great, but there are also 18m. It all depends on brand and material.
Third hair cut was given this month...by me
Favorites foods: mac'n'cheese, yougurt, spaghetti, oatmeal, milk and water
Favorite books: Brown Bear, Brown Bear; It's Pajama Time!
Favorite Toys: cars/trucks, phone, foam animals, balls

Testing out chairs with Gramma at Wal-Mart.

 Before and after our first swim.

So playful at the doctor...until she came in then Asher crawled into my lap and looked pathetic. He can act well.

Out to eat. We have to order him his own meal off the kid's menu because he eats so much.

 In the tent...and back out of the tent.

So hot out that boys lay on the tile.

Sleepy boy

Chew Chew Chew

 Hanging out at the campground with Grandma Sally and Uncle Danimal.

Beached Whale!!

New favorite hiding place.