Our babies

Monday, April 14, 2014

Princess Ayla is 2 months old!


Let me start by explaining the princess part of her name. Ayla has been a little more work than I anticipated. You see, Asher was a by-the-book baby. He ate, slept, pooped, and peed just like the books said he would. If the baby books said it would/wouldn't happen, Asher followed that. Ayla is not the same way. I have worried more about her in these two months than I expected. She has gone days without pooping (definitely okay, just not what I was used to so I freaked out). Ayla has TERRIBLE gas - it can clear a room. I don't know where she gets that, maybe from her dad. When Ayla wants to eat, by golly you had better feed her. She is not one that can patiently wait. Thankfully this hasn't been too much of a problem. Asher was easy to keep on an every 3 hour eating schedule, but Ayla has not been on that strict schedule. We try to go 3 hours, but Ayla gets it her way - so that means it could be 2 hours or anything thereafter.  So there have been nights when I didn't get much sleep - princess didn't know what kind of schedule she wanted to be on.

Now with all that being said, the past two weeks have been wonderful. She goes to bed on her own so easily. I will feed her around 7:30/8pm and put her down in her bed. She will still be awake, but hang out until she puts herself to sleep. Then I won't hear from her until 2:30am or later like 4:30am. WOOHOO!  So the first time this happened, I woke up to make sure she was breathing...numerous times. But now I am enjoying the extended stretch of sleep.

Ayla LOVES baths. If she is crabby or fussy, I can put her in the bath and she just chills out. She doesn't fuss or look sad at all. She enjoys them so much. I have thought about giving Asher and her a bath at the same time, but I am just not ready for that. We do bath time together, but Daddy bathes Asher in the tub and I bathe Ayla in the baby bath.

I thought I wouldn't mind reusing Asher's clothes with Ayla, but I was wrong. I was not a girlie girl growing up, so I thought I would be passing that on to my daughter. Nope, I want her in bows. ruffles, and pink as much as possible! I LOVE dressing her up! I can't get bows in her hair, but I have plenty of hairbands with bows on them that I can pretty coordinate with every outfit. Now if it would only get warmer so I can put ruffled bloomers on her under dresses instead of leggings.

STATS: 9lbs3oz (10%) 21 3/4in (10%) 14 7/8 head (25%)
Wearing mostly NB clothes but some 0-3m fit. We are finishing out our last pack of NB diapers and will open a size 1 pack probably tomorrow.

Bonnet my friend made. I love her in her bonnet


Enjoying the nice weather!

Tummy time wears me out!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Asher is 2

Our little boy is all grown up! Asher turned 2 this week and we had some fun this week celebrating. Asher is 24 pounds and 33 inches long. Doctor says he is still on the small side (5% for weight and a little above 10% for height) but he is very healthy.  He also passed his autism screening (a questionnaire I had to fill out with simple yes/no questions about Asher).  We need to start brushing his teeth twice a day instead of just at night and when we get to our next destination this summer, we need to schedule his first dentist appointment. Asher is putting together 2 word sentences which is great: bless you, Ayla Cry, help please, thank you, etc. Everything looks good and he only got one shot! :)

Asher is still the best big brother ever! He is very concerned when she cries and wants to help. With that being said, he has definitely hit the terrible twos. Asher has been questioning and testing our authority as much as possible. We are working through it, but my sweet little boy has not been very sweet.We knew it was coming, but it still shocks you a little when your well-behaved boy suddenly misbehaves a lot!

We celebrated Asher's birthday Wednesday morning before he went to school. Grandparents sent gifts and we had them out when he woke up. You can tell by the video and pictures he was excited. He took cheese balls and cookie crisp cereal to school as his special treat for his friends. On Saturday we celebrated with all of our friends at Texadelphia with cake. Asher didn't eat any cake, but everyone else enjoyed it.

Here are some pics and videos of our birthday boy!!
What a good brother -holding his sissy.

playing with Ollie

Refused to get out of the stroller after his walk.

New PJs!

He is now obsessed with the bouncer.....Ayla doesn't even use it so I am not sure why Asher wants to be in it so much now

Asher likes to dress himself

Exploring the gym

Picking flowers like Elena taught him

Birthday morning surprises

Asher saw his Thomas birthday banner

Birthday boy!! Cheeeeeeeeese!

Hanging out at Sam's club. We took a picture for Uncle Bry

Ready for his party

BFF Ollie and Asher

Blake and Kayla drove in from Dallas to celebrate

Amber and Daniel

Marion and Justin

Mark and Jennifer

The Crams

Birthday cake!

CJ and Ashley

Our happy little family

 Two boys getting into mischief

Here are a few of Ayla, just because she is cute.

Hi Ayla!!

Enjoying the beautiful weather.

Her new bonnet!

Our family pictures