Our babies

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Our time in Shreveport is coming to a close

 Ayla is 4 months old!!!

Mike is holding Ayla and entertaining while I work on this post. Mike brings the best out of her....in more ways than one. It has been three hours since Ayla has eaten, yet she just spit up while Mike was holding her. This happens often. I am not sure what he does, but somehow he makes her spit up. Mike also gets her to smile. She does it way more for him than me.

Ayla is our little fatty. We go to the doctor on Wednesday, but we think she is our little fatty. Now to be fair, Asher was so little, and that is all we have for comparison. She is wearing 3m clothes and some 3-6m clothes. She is in size 1 diapers.  She is a good sleeper. We are close to getting on a nap schedule. Right now her and Asher are on the a similar afternoon nap schedule which is grreat for me as we prepare to move. She is sleeping great at night. We put her down between 7 and 8pm. I don't hear from her till 6am or later. This is awesome but by the time I finish feeding her, I don't always get to go back to bed. I'll take it though! It took Asher a long time to sleep like that at night.

Mike and I were talking today about the kiddos. When Asher was growing, we were so concerned about every milestone. We paid very close attention to when he would roll over, lift his head, crawl, etc. With Ayla, it is different. She hates tummy time. Most babies get mad enough and roll over. Not Ayla, she just lays flat, head down, arms out in defeat. She doesn't care and doesn't try hard. It's actually pretty funny to watch. She knows we will roll her over in fear of suffocation. So, we will get there when we get there. Ayla loves her bouncer now and really grabs on to the hanging animals. She is very entertained by things hanging above her, and you can see the concentration on her face when she is playing.

We move to Tulsa in a week. Mike accepted a physicist job at St. John hospital in Tulsa. His first day is Tuesday, June 24th. We went up there a few weeks back to find a place to live. The Whites joined us and helped with the kids so the adults could explore. We love it there already! The exciting thing is that we found a house to rent....with a fenced in backyard!!!  Just the amount of space will be amazing. Right now our living room is also the dining room, toy room, stroller storage and play area. I can't wait to have more space!! So this is our last post from Shreveport. I have to admit, I am sad to leave here. I feel like I am in a movie and they are playing a montage of our life here: bringing 3m old Asher in the door for the first time, watching him learn to eat and crawl and walk, this is the first place he slept in his own room. Man, I am getting teary eyed just writing this. We have had two wonderful years in this apartment, but we have definitely outgrown it. I guess I have the same experience to look forward to with Ayla in Tulsa.

So here are a few pics and videos from our last month in Shreveport. I didn't include Ayla's baby dedication because I had a mini post from that earlier.

My babies sleep just like their mama - with their arms up by their heads!!!

Hi Ayla!

Mike came home from work with these flowers when he got his job offer. They were beautiful!!

This is how we go to the pool!

I feel like she could be a model for sweatin' to the oldies

Tiny Town is a play area at a local church. They have free play on Tuesdays. It is like McDonald's Playplace on steroids. It's huge! I am exhausted when I leave. We go with Tiffany and Ollie so Tiffany and I take turns following the boys or sitting with Ayla. It is like 2+ stories high. Asher loves it but is very timid and hesitant.
Park time with friends!

New lifevest we have for Asher. Although he doesn't wander in the pool, I feel safer with him having it on. Especially when I go by myself with the two kids. If I step away to check on Ayla (like 5 feet away) I don't have to be worried as much.

Aunt Missy bought this dress for Ayla before she was born. It is the perfect summer dress.

Say Cheese!

Layin' out with 'Lena

Snack time with Ollie

'Merica! We were lucky to welcome home a friend from church who has been deployed overseas for 6 months. I have never experienced anything like that before. I was a proud American witnessing his wife drop everything and run into his arms. I guess that was something new we experienced living in an Air Force community.

She loves the bumbo

Starbucks date

Rain shower that Daddy wanted to venture out in.

I love our pool, but I am looking forward to having a kiddie pool in our back yard.

Ayla hates tummy time. This is her beginning to give up. Next she turns her face straight down and waits until you turn her over. Silly girl.

She loves Super Why like her brother. She strains her neck to be able to watch it.

Fun times with Grandma and Papa in Tulsa!!

The two room hotel was the best choice ever for our visit to Tulsa. It worked out so well.

Buckets and bowls full of water make any afternoon better.

Asher loved the hotel and hotel breakfast.

Ayla loves smiling!

Swimming with Papa and Uncle Danimal

Playing peek-a-boo on our drive home.

Sunday selfie

Fort building day with Asher. We had a lot of fun.

$1 movie on Wednesdays. Asher took down quite a bit of popcorn.

Our little fatty....big belly and thunder thighs.

Waterpark fun with Ollie!

Waiting for Daddy to get home.

Ayla really enjoys bathtime

Chillin' with Rex

Asher did the water slides all by himself

Asher is reading his favorite book to himself. I wish I would have caught more of it but I didn't realize what he was doing until halfway through.  
Hotel room fun

Chat chat chat
He is going to a twin bed when we move - new house, new bed, new routine.
Playing in her bouncer
Loves her bathtime. If she is crabby, we stick her in the tub.
Asher was so silly at the pool. It is amazing what fun he can have with a paper cup.
I think Asher will really miss Ollie. Anytime I say, "Where are we going?" His answer is Ollie's house. Yes, we do go there often, but it doesn't matter. It is Asher's go-to answer. 
Asher loved going to the water park with Ollie.

We will end on this.... I Love You!!!