Our babies

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A naughty naughty girl

Ayla is really coming into her personality....she is a naughty girl. I say that with a smirk on my face because I have a feeling that I am looking at a 13 month old Mandy.   When Asher was learning and exploring, he did things to see what would happen. Ayla does things to see our reaction. She could care less about what she did, but wants to know if it was bad or if we care. Asher is learning to back off a little when playing with Ayla because she fights back by annoying him like crazy.  Ayla's favorite thing is to pull all the DVD's off the shelf (we don't buy them anymore thanks to the digital era). So we turned the shelf and put the train table against it so she can not get to them. No, Ayla crawls under the train table and still finds a way to pull them out.

Meal time includes Ayla eating and eating a lot! She is a very good eater. Here's how meals go: Ayla grunts and points to what she wants, you give it to her, she smiles takes a drink/bite then tries to hand it back to you. If you don't grab it right away, she throws it on the floor and moves on to the next thing. By the end of the meal, she is slouched down low in her high chair with a huge belly, happy as can be. She loves bananas, meats, cottage cheese, oatmeal, and cereals. We have noticed that if she gets full, she will still beg for food, but then hand it right off to Rex. Rex really likes this.

Bath time is great. She is a water baby. That transferred over to the pool when we visited friends a few weeks ago and stayed in a hotel. Ayla is our baby that has no fear. Asher is very wise and reserved, even shy. Not Ayla. And here I was, worried about Asher drowning when we go to the pool this summer. I think Ayla is the one I need to worry about.

Sleepy time is funny with Ayla. When she is tired, you better put her to bed or she will make your day miserable. She takes 1-2 naps a day. Usually a good 2-3 hour afternoon nap but sometimes a morning power nap as well. She isn't into cuddling with animals, but she will cuddle with her 4 pacifiers that are in the crib. She has on in her mouth and the other three in her hands snuggling. Bed time rolls around about 7:30 and she wakes around 7....with pacifiers in hand.  Now if you don't jump when she calls, she will throw her pacifiers across the room, then cry because she doesn't have them. See, Ayla is in charge.

We are on our way to walking! She has taken up to 8-9 steps at a time. Of course if I get my phone out to video she sits down and smiles at me. Little stinker. She will get it, and hopefully one day I will get it on camera.

Now on to our sweet boy Asher. He is so stinkin' smart! I give the credit to church preschool. That boy will sing songs, count to 20, tell me his letters, ask questions. He is just so smart (right Nanna?)! We have recently gone to standing up while going potty. That sparked a great conversation on why only boys can stand up to go peepee and Mommy can't.

When Ayla had her one year check-up, her stats were exactly the same as Asher's at that age: 18lbs. Crazy that it put her at the 13-18% and Asher was in the 3%. I notice that clothing is made differently for boys and girls. Ayla easily fills out 12m clothes, but Asher was swimming in them at this age. Asher is our little butt boy. For pants, he has to wear 2T for the length. But we have to cinch the waist all the way. For shorts, he fits well into 18m and 18-24m. Kind of funny if you ask me.

Here are some pics and videos from the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Our first Tulsa snow!!!

Our first double illness...just a virus

Fun hotel visit with Tiffany and Ollie

Visit to Gam Gam and Uncle Bry

And some of the daily life...