Our babies

Friday, May 29, 2015

There's a baby in Mama's belly, and it's swimming all around

Asher created a song for the baby in Mama's belly. The title of this post is the song, the entire song. He seems to understand better this pregnancy.  Asher will come and snuggle on the couch with me then ask if he can rub the baby. He then rubs my belly and says, "The baby is swimming all around in there Mommy." He is becoming very independent with every day activities. No longer does he want help going to the bathroom, but he goes in there and closes the door to do his business. When doing laundry, Asher can put away his pajamas, pants, underwear and socks. Those are the things he can reach. We are working on starting a chore chart soon and he will be able to earn rewards for doing things without crying.  Asher has learned a few new tricks that he is very proud of and will show you if you ask. He can wink and stand on one foot (and kind of jump).  We think Asher is hitting a growth spurt because he is eating tons! The kid ate two hot dogs for dinner last night! That is HUGE for us!

Teaching Ayla how to 'cheers'!

There is a preschool with an awesome playground in our neighborhood. They have a little gas station and Asher told me to fill him up!

He is a great big brother. He likes to hold Ayla's hand...even if she doesn't want to.

At the zoo!

We took our coins to the bank and opened a savings account!

Asher had to sort his money to count and deposit it.

He was so excited!!!

At the splash pad, Asher took 20 min to decide to get in.

Then he tried to take all of his clothes off before getting in (we didn't have our swim suits, just played in our clothes)

So we rode home in our underwear!

Cows in our neighborhood. Asher loved it!

Ayla is MY daughter...through and through. I have a feeling she is paying me back for the things I put my mom through growing up.  Great.... Ayla is going to have a problem with the new baby. The attention is going to be off of her and she isn't going to like that.  The other day, Mike was putting dishes away and therefore couldn't hold Ayla. She stood at his feet screaming and crying the entire time. You have to laugh because she is a little diva.  Although she isn't talking much, Ayla follows directions very well. She will go get her shoes and bring them to you, she can put her pacifier back in her crib, she walks to the changing table when you tell her it's time for a diaper change. Finally finally finally I can do her hair! It is still very short on top, but long in the back. I can put little half ponies in as well as pigtails. She fights to get them him and usually has them out by the time we get somewhere, but at least she looks girlie for a little bit.  When we load up in the car, she has her shoes off and hair out by the time we get out of the neighborhood. Crazy girl, I don't know why I bother.  Ayla is still a champion eater. Her new favorite is strawberries and oatmeal creme pies (my fault, I have a pregger craving). Ayla weighs a solid 20 lbs and is 28in long. She will be catching up to Asher very soon.

She loves the water!!

piggy tails!

We went through a phase of no naps. She thought she only needed 30-45 min nap. She was then tired and usually fell asleep. Now she takes 2-3 hour naps and isn't crabby after!

She likes to sit in the sun with me!

Ayla LOVED the Dinosaurs at the zoo! Asher was afraid they would get Ayla.

My helper in the kitchen

Elephants at the zoo

She kept making this face when I tried to take a picture. Silly girl

I wanted this smile

Asher was timid about the water, Ayla was not.

Just like Mama! Licking the spoon!

Baby Silver is doing well. Like our other babies, we allow Uncle Danimal to name them while in womb.  He named this one Quicksilver, but I shortened it to Silver. Now, I just need to keep this going so I stop calling the baby, it! Yes, we are still in the dark about gender so don't ask.  I had my 28 week check-up last week. If you remember, this was the first time that Ayla gave me issues with low amniotic fluid and I was put in the hospital for the night. Well, this one gave me a better result.  Fluid levels are 12 which is in normal range. Woo! So we are trucking right along. I feel this baby 'swimming' all around a lot more than I have with other babies. I am not complaining, but the middle of the night swims do wake me up. 

28 weeks.

Until next time!