Our babies

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

'tis the season...to be healthy!

I was looking back at last year. We (the whole family) was sick for like two months straight. Numerous doctor's visits as well as urgent care. Man, what a way to end 2015 and start 2016. Now I reflect on 2016. I am probably going to jinx us, but we have been fairly healthy. The Christmas season came and went with only a few runny noses! This is huge for the White family! 2017 is starting off the right way!

Asher is our rule follower. He will tell you when he does something wrong (for the most part) and tell on the others too. He is very emotional and wears his emotions on his sleeve. We watched 'Finding Dory' and he was so upset that Dory's parents may not want her since she was lost. He asked me more than once if I would look for him or want him if he were lost. This led to many loving conversations and tears from both of us. Asher is loving preschool still. He is sounding out words and can read a few of them. He knows all of his letters and writes his name, Ayla, Mommy, Daddy on EVERYTHING. He is very proud of his school work each day that he brings it home. Legos are a favorite of his. The kid has a great imagination and will build/make anything you let him. He can only use the Legos in his room so the little kids don't get them. My Asher is still little. I think he is huge because we have graduated into 4T clothes and passed the 30lb mark on the scale! Then I see him with other kids his age and realize he is still small. Or I see him next to Harrions, his 3 year old cousin who is the same size as him and weighs more. He was so hard to see at his program since he wasn't in the front row. Asher went to the dentist for the first time and was so brave! He was nervous but listened and did what was asked of him. We experienced snow for the first time - like 6-8in of snow. The kids loved it, but Asher really loved it. He reminds me of my brother growing up who was the same way. Even after we came in, I had to sit at the door or window and watch him play because he wasn't ready to come in yet. He loved sledding and laying in it. I am glad we are able to experience that together. Asher works hard and plays hard so he sleeps hard. He is usually in bed and asleep by 8 every night and up at 7/730 ready to go for the day. If he knows we are going to do something that day, he wakes up asking about it.

Ayla is my wild card. Some days she is just like her brother, copying his every moves. Other days, she is the mother to her dolls and Kelvin taking such good care of them. Then other days she has an attitude of a teenager with more Sass than I am ready for. Everyday she cries when we leave Asher at preschool. I am not sure if she thinks we are never coming back for him or if she is just tired and ready for nap. Baby dolls - she has quite a few. All of them do not wear clothes and she usually puts them in a bucket, the container in her step stool, or her fence end table (makes me nervous if she is ever a caretaker for me in my old age). She feeds them and plays with them. Some days she needs ALL of them in her bed at night, and other days she doesn't want any of them. She has spanked them and put them in timeout for acting up (haha). She likes to sing and dance to a song in her head or one she hears. Ayla is becoming a picky eater because she is looking up to her older brother. Not happy about this, but I know they will all outgrow it.  Her facial expressions crack me up and I hope to someday capture all of them on camera. Ayla is still very much a daddy's girl. She helps him make his shakes in the morning and picks out his clothes after work. She would rather be with Daddy than me (fine by me) and gives the best hugs. She has had some weird stomach bugs the past few months. They last about 12 hours and go away. We never had that with Asher so it is new territory. Ayla also went to the dentist. She didn't get cleaned just checked out. She did very well. She didn't do as well as her first haircut (also this month) but she was good enough for me.  Something she hates - carwashes. Who knew?! She asks to go to one, then freaks out. It is a little sad yet entertaining. Someone she loves - Harrison. The kids all like their cousins, but there is something about Harrison. She 'calls' him numerous times during the day on her 'phone'. She just checks in with him and makes sure he knows she is having a good day. It's pretty cute.

Kelvin, our wild man, Kelvin. He has become more and more funny these past few months. He will just take off out of no where and running crazily down the hall screaming. Then come back, laugh and continue whatever he was doing. He is saying more and more words. Still 'breakfast' is most common and used for any kind of food or meal.  When Kelvin is hungry, feed him!...Or you will suffer until you decide to feed him. I honestly think he is going to catch up or pass Asher in height and weight. He seems huge in comparison to our other babies. The kid LOVES trains and Thomas. He likes most toys and will play with just about anything, but if you say trains, he runs to the stairs and starts heading to the playroom saying 'chootrain!!' High Fives go around all the time and he just started giving hugs and kisses. That is fun! Kelvin is naughty as much as he is cute. He climbs on things he shouldn't, throws toys at his siblings, and hits. That is where the hugs come in handy now because that is how he apologizes. We went through a good 3 week span of sleeping issues. He would wake up screaming at 4, 5 or 6 am. Sometimes demanding to get up, other times he could be rocked back to sleep. I think we are finally getting out of that phase (thank goodness) and getting back to 7am wake-up.  Bath time is fun with him but he can't know you are watching. If he thinks you are watching him, he will splash you. He loves the bath and does funny things like cannonballs.