Our babies

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


When I think of Valentine's Day, I think of Love...but for more than the cliche reason. When Ayla was born, it was a surprise. That 37 week appointment took a crazy turn and 90 minutes later, we were holding our little Ayla Bayla. We had a doctor that was adamant in her decision to deliver.  There was no second guessing or going home to get our bag. That is love. We had no family in Shreveport. We put the call in to the Whites and they arrived 24 hours later. Asher was at the Green's house for a play date that turned into an all day event. We had prayers coming from all over the country. That is love.  Love is what got us through that day in 2014. These past two years on Ayla's birthday I think back to her BIRTHday. Different than any of our other kids. Stressful and crazy and not according to plan. But we know that God's plan is always bigger and better than our plan. That is love. So yeah, Valentine's Day is special and I hope we can always make Ayla feel special and loved on her birthday.

Winter is still in full swing here in Chicagoland. Why did we move again?!? Kidding. On the plus side, we have seen Harrison like 3 times since my last post!!! He stayed with us for a weekend while Missy and Jon were out of town. We had a blast. Then we took a day trip to Indy to see the Doc McStuffins' exhibit at the Indy Children's Museum. Super fun (even with sick kids). And then they came over for Ayla's birthday party. I LOVE that we live close to one another. The next time we see them will be to meet the new baby girl Berg!

Poor girl felt so sick, but she was a trooper at the museum. 

We heard the announcement outside the Fire Station so we waited to see the ambulances leave.

We were able to play in the snow again! Snow is magical. We all get excited. The kids play hard in the snow and our little hill on the side of the house is perfect for sledding. I was hoping for a little more this season, but there is still time for one last good snow. Kelvin even says nnnooo!! Nnnnooo!! (snow)

We discovered a new fun outting - Gymnastics open gym! Asher loved it so much that we signed him up and he now takes gymnastics once a week. It is perfect to get some extra energy out of him and all the kids.

We had Ayla's 3rd birthday party. This was so fun for me...and the kids. I love that we live close to family. Everyone from our family made it! Our neighbors from across the street came too. We just ate and opened presents, but it was perfect. I don't know if Ayla will remember it (Asher remembers his 3rd birthday) but I will know that she was showered with love. We had a Trolls theme with lots of color and rainbows. Ayla loved it!

Ayla and Kelvin had their check-ups this week too. Kelvin is catching up and will soon pass up the older kids. Kelvin is 24lbs and 31in tall. That is in the 50% for the most part. Ayla is is 27 lbs and 34in tall. That is like the 3% and 15%. HAHAHA Our little peanut is still a petite little thing. Kelvin is talking like crazy. My new favorite words are nonuts (donuts), wawa (water), peeeees (please), yuush (juice), ocks on - choose on (socks on - shoes on), ablet (tablet), shrex (Rex), and Asher....Asher....Asher. Kelvin is very concerned where Asher is all the time. He is always asking for Asher.

We have had a pretty good winter, but sickness did finally hit. The terrible cold and cough came and won't leave. Ayla had a terrible ear infection and did I mention coughs? Nothing like last year, but I hate seeing the kids sick. This weekend is supposed to be nice so hopefully we will get outside! These kids surprise me everyday with their craziness. I get frustrated during the day, but now looking back at the pictures all I can do is laugh. Oh kids....

Asher wanted to help put laundry away and Kelvin kept jumping on it. Asher was so upset!

Ayla slept on the floor next to our bed quite a few times. She wanted in our bed but that isn't allowed. About a week later we learned she had a terrible ear infection - that probably explained her getting up at night.

Asher did Ayla's makeup.

First gymnastics class

Here are a few videos that show their true colors and personality. ;)