Our babies

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The teams are even: 3 Boys and 3 Girls

Brynn Marie White was welcomed into the world on November 28, 2018. She graced us with her presence and some mighty lungs at 8:46am. Weighing 6lbs 2 oz and stretching a full 18 3/4 in long, this girl completed our family.

She wasn't supposed to arrive for a few more weeks, but like Ayla, Brynn stopped growing in my belly, so the doc made the call to have her. It wasn't quite as dramatic like Ayla's birth story (appointment to birth was 90min), but still a stressful 24 hours. Thankfully Gam Gam lives here so she was able to watch the kids. Fun birth-day things: Our anesthesiologist is a Buckeye, and wore a Buckeye scrub cap, and his name was Brian.

This baby took us the longest to name. I had a hard time for a few reasons: this was the last time I would name a baby (no pressure!) and there was so much skin-to-skin, I couldn't just look at her! I only saw the top of her head for the first few hours. We had it narrowed down to a few names. Brynn to me is a sassy name. This girl was trouble in the womb and came out sassy as ever screaming her lungs off. It is also close to my brother's name, Bryan. While I didn't want to have something that sounded the same as his (Brylee was suggested), I liked that this was spelled similar to his name. We found out she was a girl just two days after my brother died so I felt I wanted to honor him in some way. Brynn means hill. This pregnancy felt like an uphill battle. There were little issues throughout and the stress of the grief process added to all of that. I like the name Brynn (obviously or we wouldn't have picked it) and we are seeing that it fits her well.

The kids were super excited. This was a fun pregnancy and birth because all of our kids are old enough to get it. They are great helpers and can follow directions around Brynn very well. I loved when they finally made it to the hospital to meet her!

2018 was a tough year. We had moves, deaths and births. Brynn was able to help me end the year on a happy note. She was a great distraction at Christmas when we felt the void of Bryan. I can't wait til she is old enough and I can share the great stories of her Uncle with her. I love snuggling a new little baby and will probably enjoy it even more when I start getting more sleep.