Our babies

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year from Asher!

We had a wonderful month of December. Asher spent time with family, enjoyed his first snow, suffered through his first bad cold, took his third plane ride, experienced an overnight 14 hour car ride, and so much more!

Stats from his 9 month check up: weight 16.11lbs (8%), height 26in (3%), head 17 3/4 (50%). We have a smart kid with a huge brain!! :)
Size 2 diapers
Clothes can be anywhere from 6-12 months at this point.
He is babbling like crazy. We think he said DOG but not sure. He pulls himself up on furniture and takes off walking. He makes you hold his hands and take laps around the house. He's going to be walking in no time. 

We had an awesome time with family. Here are some pics and videos to show you.

 9 months old!!! He tried to attack the camera. Silly boy!

We drove 13 hours to get home. We drove thru the night since Asher wasn't feeling well.  He did awesome. This is his sleepy morning face he gave us somewhere in Arkansas.

It was cold in Iowa and Chicago so we had to be prepared with our snow suit!

Using Rex for balance

Getting into the presents.

Dressed to impress at a Christmas Party.

Watching Daddy play flag football.

Crazy boy.

Those are my boys!!!

Seeing Santa!

At Daddy's work Christmas party.

In Natchichoes at the Christmas festival.

Gramma met us at the airport! What a  long day of travel.

There was a blizzard in Iowa. 8 inches of snow! So glad I had a snowsuit.

Santa took my spot.

Christmas Eve service at Church.

Mama got her hair cut, so I decided I should too. Cousin Sarah did a great job!

Visiting with other cousins. Jaden and I were buddies.

Opening a Christmas Eve gift. JAMMIES!!

Reading the Christmas story with Mama and Gramma.

Asher's stocking at Gramma's.

Chrstimas Morning!

Christmas dinner at Nanna's

Look what Santa brought me at Gramma's house!!

Nanna gave me her whip cream off of her piece of pie. YUMMY!!

Traveling to the Whites!

Opening presents with Granfather Sir, Grandma Sally and Uncle Danimal.

My stocking at Grandpa and Grandma's.

I had my first cold at Grandma and Grandpa's. Just wasn't myself.

LOVES the dishwasher.

I slept through two games of bowling with Uncle Danimal.

Happy New year!!

Here's my number.....so call me maybe!

I just don't feel the best Mama.

Olive Garden celebrating Uncle Danimal's birthday!

Auntie Em took a stab at feeding me.  She is a natural.

Being Dedicated at Church.
Pastor Chuck and me!

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