Our babies

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring is here! (for us in the south anyway)

So February was beautiful here in Shreveport. They said it was colder than normal, but for us, it was nice.  We were able to wear winter clothes but didn't have to wear coats. Asher is officially in size 3 diapers. He is eating all sorts of good stuff. Cottage cheese, applesauce, shredded cheese, yogurt, shredded chicken.. you name it, he wants it! He waves bye-bye. We are working on giving hugs, and it is almost there. Walking is the same as it was the last update, just a few steps, but he is gaining confidence. Not sure on weight and height, but he is is mostly 9m clothes. He wears 12m sleepers.
I'm going to get you!!!

During nap time, he takes his socks off, and he tries to take all his clothes off.

LOVES watching Super Why! on PBS every morning.

All ready for Church!

My favorite guys.

Laura and Anthony visited us. Asher loved the extra attention.

We tried two piece PJs. These were 12 months and they still didn't fit him.

We stick all the stuffed animals around the crib between the rail and the walls. This way they aren't in the crib, but he can get them if he wants to play with them. This is his praying Precious Moments doll Gramma gave him when he was born. You squeeze it and it prays  "Now I lay me down to sleep..." prayer. He pulled it down and snuggled up one night.

Still loves bathtime.

We went to visit Kayla and Blake in Waco one weekend. I was a nervous wreck because their place isn't babyproof. Asher learned to climbed up and down stairs.....

At the Bear Den on Baylor's campus. We saw one sleeping bear.

Watching TV together. Love them both!

At Amber's while Daddy and Mama went on their Valentine's date. He loves Amber.

Dino hoody.

Asher hates wearing his socks. We have had to backtrack many walks looking for socks. When found, they are wet with slobber from being in his mouth.

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