Our babies

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Whew, it was a busy month!

Ayla is 3 months old and time has flown by this month. We have been pretty busy (as you will see in the pics of videos). She is in 0-3 and 3m clothes, size 1 diapers and weighs roughly 11lbs. I am going to let Mike write this post - get a man's perspective on our life, but I will write the picture comments. Enjoy! 

9 Thoughts by Mike:

1. Having a second kid is way different than having the first. With the first, you constantly monitor everything they do, which makes time go incredibly slow. With the second, I get how "they grow up so fast".

2. It's a lot tougher to relax with a second kid. Something about trying to deal with a wild 2-year old while an infant is crying...

3. Mandy's got a handle on this whole "mom" thing. With Asher, she constantly questioned herself and had a tough time emotionally transitioning from Teacher Mandy to Mom Mandy. She's way more confident now, which is good because every day I feel more clueless. Asher feeds his lunch to the dog...I'm like, uhhh...what do I do?... I mean, smart move, Rex will probably protect you from now on....So much grey area with the parenting now that's it's good to have a partner who actually knows what she's doing.

4. My new, least favorite genre of people are judgmental parents. I accept that other people do things differently than we do. It's tough, because you naturally believe that you are always doing what is right and best for the kids. If you want to bring out the worst in me, lecture me on how I "really should be feeding my children organic foods".

5. I know that people always tell you "your son/daughter is SO smart!" because they know that's what you want to hear. I can't help it, it does feel good to hear that. Tell me what he did that makes him so smart. You have my full attention.

6. I snapped at Asher pretty bad the other day. The last person to get under my skin that bad was my mental handicapped brother who is a relentless complainer. Well, I was driving Asher somewhere and he started crying because he wanted the sunroof open. So I opened it. A few minutes later, he started crying. "What are you crying about Asher?" He wanted the sunroof closed, so I closed it. A few minutes later, he started crying because he wanted it open. After going through this about 5 times, I just turned around and yelled at him. I felt a little bad because it was out of anger, but it was good because I recognized how I could snap like that and I can make sure I don't do that again. Learn from it.

7. Having a strong father-son relationship is such an amazing thing. I can't even fathom walking out on the family and ditching Asher. When I think of how acceptable people in American treat this, I am overcome with blinding rage. If you don't take responsibility for your kids, I will NEVER respect you. You want to know what will destroy our country? Our fatherless society.

8. Asher has been in Mother's Day Out the past school year at our church, 3 days a week for 4 hours a day. His two teachers are the sweetest ladies and they give him so much love and attention that I can't even put into words my gratitude. They taught him his letters, numbers, animals, how to put his hands together to pray, etc. Just awesome.

9. We are moving in a little over a month, and we are really excited. Especially because we have badly outgrown our apartment. Asher is the first grandkid in both families. Thanks to the internet, anyone can send us awesome toys and clothes. We have no garage, so our living space is full of strollers, toys, a basketball hoop, a little tikes picnic table, and more. It looks like something out of the show "hoarders". We're grateful for everything but we are ready for some space!

That is all for now.


Hates Tummy time

At Shogun, a Hibachi style restaurant. Asher hated the flames, but loved the chopsticks.

Asher gravitates to Ayla when she is on the ground.

Saturday lunch at Sam's Club! Asher LOVES their pizza.

Enjoying the outside.

Date Day
 The next few pics are from Easter Sunday.

Loves the trampoline...especially with Ollie.

Bath crayons are awesome

Balloon rockets - Rex hates them and Asher loves them

Our little fatty

Beautiful Ballerina

Elena (Layna) and Asher after dinner

BFF Ollie

 Hanging out outside

 First pool date of the summer

Vacuuming the grass with Daddy


He loves her

 Trying out the BUMBO for the first time.....Asher felt left out.

Rockin' a mini van on our way to Kansas City. Asher loved all the room. He would wander around inside it every time we stopped for gas.

My view while I fed Ayla....I love these boys.

My rearview.....what a happy boy

This is from Fritz's Train Restaurant in Kansas City. You order your food from the phone on your table and it is delivered by a train. Asher loved it. He also had a full conversation with himself on the phone.

Playing in Teddy's kennel at Matt and Brooke's house

Brooke and Ayla

While Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is on the TV, Asher rocks it old school with Black and White Mickey on the tablet. He loves the classics.

Asher being taught all about Nerf guns by Matt.

 Gramma and Uncle Bry drove down to KC to go to the Zoo with us.
Gramma and Asher at the Zoo

On the train!

I had Ayla in the carrier, so Asher took advantage. He was a tired boy.

Matt and Brooke got an airplane Save the Date in the mail. Asher was playing with it. When I checked on him after he went to bed, I found the airplane in tiny pieces all over the pack'n'play. Silly boy.

Driving with Daddy!

Sleepy girl

Tummy time on Daddy!

We borrowed a double jogger from a friend. Asher sits and talks to Ayla for the whole run/walk. All I hear is, "blah blah blah, Ayla, blah blah blah, Ayla" I love it!

Happy girl!

A bib for Prune juice. We have to give some to her almost daily because she can't seem to get on a regular poopin' schedule. Her belly gives her issues.


All smiles

My sweet boy still sleeps like a baby. I love him
 Asher attended Mother's Day Out at our church this year. His teachers Miss Sue Sue and Miss Dee Dee were amazing. This boy knows so many songs and sayings. He asks to pray before meals and at bed (and sometimes to try to get out of trouble). His teachers were such a blessing!

His classroom

Stinker wouldn't smile for me, but I know he is happy when he is with them.

Leaving school.

Easter Morning

Playing outside on the trampoline

Bubble fun outside!

5 Little monkeys


Don't worry, he got right back up, adjusted his path and tried again.

Asher was very entertained in the car by this. Daddy was too.

Wheels on the bus is a song he sings at mother's day out.

Asher was chatting with Ayla, then saw me videoing him. He wanted Ayla to say Cheese!!!

Asher has an app on the tablet called Talking Tom. It is a cat that mimicks what you say. I caught him numerous times having full conversations with Tom. It just repeats what he says, but he was telling Tom everything that was going on. :)

This is a song I taught my 2yr olds at mother's day out. I am trying to teach it to Asher.

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