Our babies

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Auntie Em's wedding weekend adventures

Auntie Em got married this weekend to Uncle Mike. We hopped on a plane Friday morning and flew to Chicago to help celebrate. Here is a picture timeline of our weekend. We had a blast! Asher did great in the wedding and was the best ring bearer he could be. It was great seeing family, even if it was quick and crazy!

Enjoying frozen custard at 8am before our flight. Asher woke up asking about airplanes.

Ayla was tired and not excited.

The flight was so much easier now that Asher has his own seat.

He was reading the safely booklet and watching out the window. He would hand it to Mike and when Mike wouldn't read it, Asher says, "Daddy you can't read?"

Ayla slept half of the flight to Chicago and the entire flight coming home.

This time at the Whites, we had to watch our own kids. :) Tom and Sarah had important details to tend to with the wedding and all.

Wedding morning. Hanging out.

Papa feeding Ayla breakfast. She ate so much more when Papa was feeding her.

Getting ready for the wedding! Gam Gam and Aunt Missy and baby Harrison came too.

Cousins looking good!

Asher dressed and ready to go! Gam Gam was in charge of Ayla for the wedding.

The only nap they got that day.

Sisterly love at the Zoo for the reception.

Mike was very confused about where to look for the picture. This was the best one.

We are WAY past bedtime at this point. But the reception was amazing. Gam Gam and Aunt Missy took the kids back to the hotel so Mike and I could dance the night away!

Good Morning!


I had to put a cute one of Harrison in there.

Sunday and Monday were more relaxing for Papa and MeMaw (we are working on changing MACH to MeMaw). We were able to go to 2Toots again! Asher LOVED it once again.

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Uncle Danimal and Mike.

The only nap we got on Monday was on the way to the airport. They were tired kiddos.

The weather was perfect! The wedding was held at the church from Home Alone in Chicago. Here is our family picture afterward.

Cocktail hour was at the Monkey house (Tropic World) at the Zoo.

Per the Bride, everyone had to ride the carousel before going into the reception. Asher got to ride it twice! Once with Gam Gam and once with Papa. Both times he chose to ride the penguin. Asher is giving Daddy a Hi-5!

The newlywed, Auntie Em! She was a beautiful bride!!

Asher put the whole Tux on and did an amazing job. I can't wait to see pics from the front.

MeMaw turned around during the ceremony to take pics of Asher since he was so cute!

Good Joba!

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