Our babies

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

8 months old and huge attitude change

Ayla is 8 months old today and has changed quite a bit this last month. She is definitely becoming more of a diva and super active! We remember this stage with Asher, but this time it was later so it caught us off guard a little. We have lowered the crib (finally). She rolled over during nap and had her little hand grabbing on the top rail peering over the side. Crazy girl. If she is sitting down, she will lunge forward at whatever or whoever she wants. Ayla is still scooching backwards but now gets up on her hands and knees. She doesn't go anywhere, but we are closer to that next step. Ayla loves to stand. She kind of pulls herself up but does better if you prop her up holding on to something while standing.

Stats: We have moved Ayla up to size 3 diapers (the ones that we threw out from Asher's room). Let's just say she has some junk in the trunk. She definitely has the Idso thighs.  She is loving food - especially carrots and apples. Finger foods are getting better. She likes puffs and cheerios, but banana bits are still a little iffy. She is in 6-9m and 9m pjs. Mostly 6m clothes right now as well. 

Asher and Ayla have such a fun bond. It surprises me how much she interacts with him.  She blows rasberries and still loves receiving rasberries from Asher. Now when Asher bothers her, she can get him back by falling on him or grabbing his head. She reaches for the person she wants to hold her and still loves/needs her pacifier. Wagon rides are fun now because Asher spends the entire ride trying to play peekaboo with Ayla or make her smile.

Whoah! Look I am standing!


She looks cute in jeans.

This would be the second sticker Ayla's swallowed. Okay, she didn't swallow this one, she swallowed one of her brother's stickers last week. Crazy girl.

Found her baby in bed to snuggle.

This is how she sleeps....all the time. Arms up and out.

Asher wanted to read to Ayla today. He knows these Cars books pretty well.

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