Our babies

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Asher is 3 and so much more!

This past month or so has been busy! We have a little boy that turned 3. MeMaw and Papa visited. We drove back home for Aunt Dorrie's bridal shower. Spring is off to a swift start!

Asher had his 3 year check-up. He cried the entire time and seemed very scared. He is 35in which is one inch shy of being able to ride kiddie rides. It is also the 3%. He is 26lbs and in the 4%. Doc says he is fine and very proportionate, just a little guy. He is wearing 18-24m shorts and 2t-3t tops. His shoe size is 7-7.5.  Although he is a picky eater, the doctor said that was normal for his age and to keep working with him. He is healthy and we don't need to worry (even though he is skin and bones and we can see his ribs).   

The weather has been nice (for the most part) and we have taken advantage of it! We spend a lot of time outside.

Riding bikes!

At the baby doc - Ayla just rolled all over the floor. Can you tell she isn't our first?

MeMaw, Papa and Uncle Danimal came for a visit. We played outside, went to the zoo, celebrated Asher's birthday, and Asher stayed at the trailor with Papa! Mike and I got a night away at a hotel downtown (first overnight trip without kids in 3 years). It was a great visit.
We went in my room so they could get gifts out. Asher didn't want to peek.

A new sleeping bag to use at the trailor!

Big boy carseat!!

Our date night at the hotel

We got to work out together at the hotel the next morning too! I love working out with my love!

Found this gem for $8 at a consignment store. She is the flower girl in Aunt Dorrie's wedding this summer.

Playing outside with Papa

Morning snuggles.

MeMaw put Ayla to bed with a book...silly girl

Asher turned 3 on April 2nd. He is a smart boy and really funny. He likes to reason or argue with us. He wants to make sure his opinion is heard. His memory is awesome, "Mommy, member when we....You member that?" Asher was sick most of the birthday week, but still enjoyed his time. His favorite gifts were from his Aunts: Play doh and a Ninja Turtle squirt gun.

Birthday boy!

Paw patrol sheets

Birthday celebration at church!

Easter weekend came next. This is the first year I see that Asher was excited about finding eggs!

Not happy about taking pics...

We got big bouncy balls for Easter!

We made the trip to Des Moines and then on to Glen Ellyn last week. It was a nice trip. The kids were definitely spoiled! Aunt Missy and Harrison came up Friday night to stay with us. It was really fun hanging out with them.
She went for wagon rides in here with Uncle Bry

A full bed in the early morning hours with my sister and babies.

Aunt Dorrie's shower!

Dolphin Show at the Zoo!

Asher spent the whole day at the Zoo with Papa. He was a tired boy that night...so was Papa!

Future senior pictures for these kids?!?!

Cousin play time

We had an awesome month. Busy, but Awesome! Ayla is a little stinker and really funny when you catch her doing something wrong. Asher is a great big brother and good helper (when he wants to be). Baby#3 is cooking away. We don't know the gender and aren't going to find out. But as for now, fluid levels are good and baby is growing. I can feel and see the movements which still weirds me out! Mike is studying for his part 3 Oral board examination which is in a month.

That's all for now!!

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