Our babies

Thursday, January 2, 2020

2019 was a great year

I think I will go back to using this in place of social media. Social media can become addicting and toxic. Too much comparison to other families and moms. So my goal is going to be to use this more often.

We have started a new year...a new decade! 2019 was a good year for us. For the first time since we have been married, we didn't have any life changing events: no moves, no babies, no deaths, no job changes. God was and is so good to us. All kids are making friends in the neighborhood and we are still taking advantage of the park near by and the water park during the summer months. We traveled a bunch in the spring and summer, so the fall was low key and relaxing.  We like to go to the park, go to the gym, watch the Buckeyes play, and just hang out.

Asher is in 2nd grade and loves it. We are still trying to find chapter books that he can just dive into, but we're working on it. He is in karate and tried ice skating (in hopes of moving on to hockey) as well.

Ayla is in kindergarten and got off to a bumpy start. Then we learned she needed tubes and that was a game changer for school. I guess you really do need to be able to hear to learn at your max potential. She started girl scouts and will be selling cookies soon, so hit us up!

Kelvin is one that surprised me this fall. He started afternoon preschool and is so smart! I have enjoyed the one-on-one time I get with him while Brynn naps.  Kelvin had umbillical surgery in October and had to miss school for 10 days. He was a trooper and his recovery went great.

Brynn is ... well Brynn. She is opinionated, sassy, strong, and so much fun. She had tubes put in at the end of summer after way too many ear infections. She sleeps great and eats great. At her one year well visit she weighed 18lbs11oz (30%) and was 28.15in (18%). She is our short, fat and happy baby. No, we really don't think she is fat, but our kids usually don't make it above the 20% range. She is a great eater, so this is no surprise though. She's been walking since Halloween and getting into trouble all year.

2020 goals: We are working on finishing our basement so we can host friends and family. We are continuing to get plugged in at our church and meeting new people.