Our babies

Friday, May 28, 2021

2021 Part 1

See, I am getting better at this. I have a post for 2021 already!
We started off the year with school! The kids went back full time in mid-January. That was a blessing. It was a crazy school year. The kids were rock stars, but I am glad it is just about over. Here is a little of what has been going on. 

Ayla turned 7 in February and is becoming a little lady. Ayla had surgery on her ears in April. Hopefully this finally fixes her hearing problems and we can move on for good. We will know more in July, but we are hopeful.  She is currently taking horse riding lessons and is doing awesome with them.  She is posting while trotting without a lead! That's a big step. She loves all things Panda.

For spring break we took a road trip down to Shreveport, Louisiana.  Our rental car reservation was messed up because of Covid, so we got this 12 passenger van. Fun times!! It had been awhile since we had been there. We stayed at a lake house with the Greens. Asher and Ayla didn't remember much of anything from our time down there, but we picked up right where we left off with friends. We laughed and played the entire time. We are vacationing with the Greens again next week. 

Asher turned 9 and is definitely maturing. We have taken a break from Karate and started Flag football. He loves reading and is very good at it. He flies through books and is currently working on the Percy Jackson series.  He has had such an awesome year! Third grade was good to him. 

Kelvin still has more energy than he knows what to do with. He is playing flag football as well. He loves playing video games and anything active. As we end the year, he is getting more tired. I think we hit the wall that we would have hit in November if school had been full time. He is doing great though! He is reading on his own!!

Brynn is just as crazy as ever. She loves her siblings, especially Ayla. We have a good time during the day when the kids are at school. She has made friends with a bus driver up at school. She just can't wait to see her 'friend' every morning and afternoon. She loves baby giraffes, Bluey, and Frozen right now. 

We went to Great Wolf Lodge at the end of April. That was a little trip that the kids earned for eating well in the fall. It was postponed because of Ayla's surgery. The kids love GWL. It is a nice little getaway for us. They are getting to be pretty good swimmers! We had fun taking underwater videos and pictures. I can't figure out why they aren't downloading, but am still working on it. Hopefully they will post later. 

2021 is starting off great! Kids are doing well and finishing out the school year like champs. We have a fun vacation coming up and then summer break! Our summer schedule is starting to look normal with swim lessons, movies and activities. These are our family pictures we had taken just a few weeks ago. I think this is the first time the kids' personalities were truly captured in photo. I love them!!

Next post goal is after summer.....should be a good summer so there will be lots of pictures. 

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