Our babies

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Finishing touches

Well, with about 4 days until the big day, I have tried to keep myself busy.  It is hard to go from working 10 hour days with kiddos to being home alone. Mike has been studying all day this week.  He has a major paper to complete in order to graduate, and he is trying to get it done before Tank arrives.  I appreciate that, but that doesn't mean I am not bored.  The weather has been great, so I have taken Rex for many walks.  I figure he needs lots of attention this week because he probably won't get much next week.  It's a win/win for us....he gets exercise, I get to enjoy the nice weather and try and hurry Tank along. I have been cleaning, organizing and doing laundry as well.  No people, this is not NESTING.  I hate that word.  I am just doing what I can before our new addition arrives. 

Here are a few pics of the nursery and my Wednesday project.  You can see the car seat and diaper bag are ready to go...when it's "Go Time." Rex made an appearance in some of these pictures.  He follows me to the baby room whenever I go up.  He sits by me as I fold clothes or put things away.  He has sniffed around but doesn't seem to care what is going on. I took some of the the cards and notes that we have received and framed them.  It is just a little reminder for me to see how blessed we are.   The hand drawn pic is from a card one of my students made me.  He drew baby tank as a basketball star.  The front says 'High' and on the inside it says 'Hopes'.  I thought it was pretty creative for a 10 year old. 

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