Our babies

Saturday, April 13, 2013

1 Year pics and a wonderful birthday party

We drove up to Des Moines last week. We were joined by Grandma Sally, Grandfather Sir, Auntie Em, Mike, Aunt Dorrie, Rob, Aunt Missy, Uncle Jon, Uncle Danimal, Nanna and Gramma. Matt and Brooke drove up from KC to join us on Sunday. Laura, Anthony, Reid and Reagan partied with us on Sunday too. We spent the weekend with the family and it was great. Here are some pictures from our party, the weekend, and our 1 year photo shoot!

After a melt down on our car ride.

 At Machine Shed for brunch.

They messed up his cake...spelling errors and those lines are supposed to be chevron style. Oh well, we got a good laugh.

Wasn't sure about the cake but as soon as we gave him a spoon, he was fine.

Our flight home.

Testing out some chairs at Wal-Mart.

 Whites stayed at the campground Poppo used to work out. It brought back some memories. The owners still remember Poppo!

I loved the photo shoot! Scheeler did great work once again. :)

We let the balloon go to celebrate 1 year of life with many more to come!

Walking into the future.


Mike's tie from our wedding. Asher looks sharp in it.

This says it all. But I think Asher is doing okay even though his face may not say that.

Didn't like the cake.

One happy family.

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