Our babies

Thursday, March 20, 2014

One month down

One Month Old!!!

So the past few weeks have been busy and eventful for this little family of 4.  My mom came into town for a little visit. She came the week I was originally going to have Ayla, only Ayla was almost 3 weeks old. Mike and I ventured out as much as we could with Mom here. We were able to check out the new microbrewery along with another date. We were pumped, little did we know we would be able to have more in the following week.  Mom's trip was cut short by almost two full days due to the passing of Nanna. I know it wasn't ideal for Mom to be here, but I think the distraction of Ayla and Asher helped her while she was several states away.  Mom flew into Shreveport Thursday, March 6 and flew home Monday, March 10. She was surrounded by all her babies and grandbabies again on March 12 until March 16.  Most of the pictures I took of Mom while she was here involve her sleeping. I couldn't figure it out because we actually did do things. Then I realized that Mom let Mike and I sleep in and take naps - so that is her pass for snoozing a little here and there. I just happened to get pictures. I was able to get much better ones while we were back in Iowa.

Waiting for  Gam gam to get here

 At the airport.....waiting and waiting and waiting for Gam Gam

YAY she is here!!!!

Valentine mask for a Valentine baby

 Many faces of Ayla

Rex loved having Mom here because he got to rest on the futon with her often.

Siblings sharing a crib

Right before Mom left for home. It was a bittersweet trip. Ayla gave her tons of snuggles to help her through the tough time.

We took a 13 hour car trip to Iowa with Rex, a 2 year old and a 1 month old. Not ideal, but what can ya do.  They all did awesome! We had a pretty good system down: as soon as we were in the gas station I got Ayla out to feed her - meanwhile Mike got gas, walked Rex, went to the bathroom, changed Asher and let him run around a bit - we usually finished at the same time and hit the road again. Asher was a rock star. He did get car sick on the way up - it was a mess - but other than that he didn't fuss at all. On the way home, our sweet sleeping angels got us out of a speeding ticket. We were in the middle of nowhere Arkansas. We were going in and out of little towns so the speed limit was constantly changing. It was near midnight and we got pulled over. The trooper asked us where we were going (Shreveport), where we were coming from (Iowa) and why we were traveling (funeral). He then shined his light in our backseat (Rex, Ayla, Asher three across) and told us to slow down, explained where the speed limit changed and let us on our way.  I really think he felt bad for us. What a blessing though!

After you barf, you feel so much better!

Full Car!

Car sick....he was stripped down in a gas station parking lot. He didn't seem to care.

Asher explored the car when we stopped for gas.

While in Iowa we got to hang out with family. Mom even watched all three grandbabies (3month old Harrison, 1 month old Ayla, and 2 year old Asher) two different times so we could hang out with cousins. It was awesome. Harrison seems HUGE compared to Ayla. He was so much fun because he interacted with you - Ayla isn't there yet. Mom's house was full, but I don't think she would have had it any other way.

All three cousins!

Dressed up!

First bath together!!

Baby Harrison. He was a snugglebug!

Squinty eyes, small patch of hair, chubby - Harrison is just like Uncle Bry! (From Mike)

SNOW! Yes we saw snow our last day there.

Uncle Bry loved taking Ayla's socks off and playing with her feet because they were so soft and small.

Gam Gam is in heaven!!!

Harrison was a little too big for Asher's liking.

Now that life is slowing down and we are in a routine, I have to start thinking about a special boy's golden birthday coming up in a few weeks. Where did my little boy go? Who is this big boy??

1 comment:

  1. ugh poor kid with the car sickness! And poor you having to clean up! These are sweet pictures. I never get enough with the grandparents because I'm usually running around to get things done while they're entertaining the kids! Our dog is always excited to cuddle with the grandmas, too.
