Our babies

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ayla's dedication

Ayla was dedicated today at church. We are sad that the streaming wouldn't work so our family could watch. We were able to get an okay video on our phone - it is in two pieces below. The church should be sending a DVD later. Asher was awesome. Yes, we bribed him with candy today - wear a suit, sit still, smile, stop crying. Whatever works right? He did awesome, as did Ayla! Tiffany took pictures for us and Elena took a video. What is important is that they both wanted to help us celebrate. We sure will miss them as well as our whole church family.
Handsome big brother

My boys with the little lady

Asher was so good!

Asher prayed with us

The video was too big to upload all at once. The parts overlap a little but that's okay. Listen for Asher's Good Job! and Amen! :)

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