Our babies

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


This is a quick update - an Ayla only update. I really just wanted to post her 6m pictures so I made a post. Our princess is doing good! Babble Babble Babble is what she does. She chats a lot - hopefully it will sound like MAMA soon. :) She is loving food! She eats in the morning and around dinner time. She loves carrots! Ayla is doing better at sleeping again. I am thinking it is all the food. On our good nights I put her down between 7:30 and 8:00 and don't hear from her until 3:30/4:00 to eat. Then she sleeps again until 7:30/8:00. She is still doing well with breastfeeding so we are sticking with it. She does take a bottle a few times during the week when I am volunteering at church. While she isn't rolling over (STILL), she does go from sitting to her belly, then scooches backwards and all around. Maybe this is a step in the direction of crawling. Ayla LOVES Asher. He makes her giggle all the time. She also absolutely loves the swing we have on our porch. Okay, more posts next week. Ayla will be going on her first plane ride Friday. We fly to Chicago for Auntie Em's wedding. Prayers for a good flight and success with our little ring bearer (Asher).

A buckeye pic for our buckeye wall. This basket was given to us for our wedding. We used for Asher's nb, 6m, 1year pic and now for Ayla's nb and 6m pics.

It was HOT! You can tell by her rosie cheeks.

Really, you want me to smile on a day like today?

 My two sweet babies. Melt my heart - God is so good!

Rex, can you believe they are making us do this?

Just look nice so they let us get up.

I'm gonna get you!!!


Our happy family.

I didn't get many good pics of me and Ayla in her NB session. Mike got all the good shots. I love this picture of me and my girl.

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