Our babies

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Nearing the home stretch and enjoying life with two while we can

I posted on Facebook, but I will talk about my babies again. They are the biggest joys right now. When we left Shreveport, I was a little sad that we wouldn't have a pool like we did at the apartment. But our backyard is fun enough! Then we bought a mesh/screen magnetic door and installed it - man you would have thought we bought a new swing set or something. Asher and Ayla love the freedom of going in and out to the yard. Now we have the kiddie pool up and a new slide we brought back from Gam Gam's and it is like Disney World in the backyard! I love how the little things make them happy.

Current favorite Asher sayings: Sure! (sounds like Shoore), Are you wearing a tank like me? (he loves his tank tops), Can you be happy now? (usually said after he gets in trouble or scolded), I don't know how to take a nap! (when we fight over bedtime), Good morning! I closed my eyes! (when he wakes up).

My sweet angels have been waking up between 6:30 and 7 for some reason. Up with the sun! We eat breakfast together and immediately Asher wants to know about our day. He also wants to help get his snereal (cereal) out and pour it into a bowl, use a big spoon like Mommy, and have milk with it. We talk about our day - we either go to Church or the YMCA usually. Then he asks, "What are we doing after ______? Then what are we doing? Then do we take a nap? Where is Daddy? He is at work isn't he? What should we do when he gets home?"   The first few days I didn't know what to do. I don't drink coffee, but seriously considered starting because of all the questions. As soon as we finish breakfast, if the back door is open (if the temp is 76 or below and not humid I open the door). They put their shoes on and go outside. Both take their milk cups and usually just want to walk around in the yard. Ayla will find the empty pool and play in it. Asher will walk around and tell me where dog poop is. We last out there for about a half hour or so, then I am the one who is ready to come inside.

When we get ready to go in the morning, Ayla is either whiney or very helpful. Asher uses her helpfulness to his advantage. She LOVES feeding Rex. You mention it and she runs to the pantry, gets the cup of food and scoops it up. We usually have to fill it up a little bit more. She then walks swiftly (little ponytail bouncing up and down) to his bowl and dumps it in. When she walks back to the pantry, she is all gins and is so proud of herself. If we don't close the pantry tightly, she will continue to fill the cup and feed Rex. Rex doesn't mind, but the vet did say he was overweight so we try to avoid this.

Asher can take his clothes off all by himself and can put underwear and shorts on as well. As he does this, I hear him say (in a high pitch baby voice), "Ayla Bayla, you want to put these in the hamper?" Ayla is so excited that her cool brother wants her help, so of course she does it! The first few times I found clothes in random places, but she has figured out where to put them now. Ayla also knows when it is time to get dressed and will either come over and lay down for me, or grin and get just out of arms reach then laugh and run away.
We have a zoo membership, so we go quite often

National Donut day!

We got a wonderful wooden chest from the Whites and we keep it by the door with all of our shoes in it. If I mention getting our shoes, Ayla runs over and gets them. She can lift the lid and reach the ones on top. She only pulls out matches though. She will get my shoes, Asher's and her own. Then we all sit down together and put them on.

Asher's new bed

First and only movie of the summer!

Ayla cried and fell asleep before the opening credits were over.

The 'Bettie' look. Ayla has a lot of Nanna come shine through

At Atticus' birthday party

Whatever Asher does, Ayla wants to be involved with as well.  We put recyclables by the garage door and take them out when we get in the car. This was Asher's job, but Ayla felt left out. There have been numerous fights over who gets to take out what. I like Ayla to do it because it means that when I open the garage she runs only to the recycle bin, not all the way to the street (yes, she has run down the driveway and into the street within 5 seconds of opening the garage).

Ayla was sitting there and Asher went up and started having a serious conversation with her. I don't know what about though.

After nap, we usually go out in the backyard. We only put about 2-3in of water in the pool but keep the hose out. I spray them 'on accident'.  By the time we get changed and sunscreened up, play for an hour, come in and get changed, about two hours have gone by and Daddy will be home soon. It is totally worth it in my opinion. We do this at least 4 days a week. I get a sweet tan and can relax while they are as loud as can be. There was one time that we filled the pool up the entire way. I hated it because Ayla kept going under and sucking up water. They didn't play as much because they were always slipping around. That is why the 2-3 in of water works perfect.

Best buds

Oh boys......Yes they are the same age. Ollie towers over Asher.

Zoo fun with Ollie on the train!

Riding Henry

Asher loves Gam Gam's Hy-Vee because he can use the little shopping carts.

A trailer like Papa's! Playing with Uncle Bry's old toys.

We took a trip to Iowa to see Gam Gam and Uncle Bry. We also had Tiffany and Ollie come visit. It has been a good June. We take off for Chicago next week for Aunt Dorrie's wedding.  So I will be updating the blog again soon so you can see the sweet ring bearer and flower girl in action.
Here is a sneak preview from when we tried on our outfits this week. 

We got a new van. Asher loves his new car! We love it too! When Ollie was here, we got three carseats across! That's what we wanted as we get ready for the baby.

At the car place. They had a kids room where we hung out for a few hours while Daddy took car of all the paperwork.

These are the many sleeping positions of Ayla......always a leg out of the crib. There are more, but you get the idea. She has woken up crying a few times because she is so twisted around and can't get her leg out. When I go to bed, I check on her and push her legs back in. It is only her legs, never her arms.

Baby Silver is doing good. This baby move more than any other one of my babies. Almost 34 weeks and feeling great! I am still able to go to the gym a few times a week. I have purchased a few diapers and that caused some confusion with Asher. He wondered how we were going to get the diapers in my belly for the baby. I don't think Asher will mind the new baby. Ayla will have to fight for attention and we have a feeling she will have a hard time with it. Yay...
Tanning the belly. I think the baby loves the sun too!

My motivation to pump at the gym
We went home for Abby's shower. She had baby Charlotte 7 days later. I can't wait to meet her!

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