Our babies

Thursday, June 7, 2012

2 Months old!

It is a week overdue, but Asher turned 2 months old! We finally switched to size 1 diapers (just this week).  He fits into very few NB clothes.  He is mostly in his 0-3m clothes.  I feel there have been so many great moments with Asher.  He laughs and smiles all the time.  He is strong and sits up in his Bumbo chair often.  He sleeps well in the night.  Last night he ate at 9:30, went to bed at 10:30 and didn't wake up until 4:30am.  WOW.  I like that!  He has experienced the nursery at Church this week while I worked at Vacation Bible School (Kids Club). Here are a few pics.

He is getting so big!!

2 Months
Just so you can compare...This was 6 days old.  
One of Asher's crazy faces.

I got him all dressed up one day...shoes and all!

Retro look with his jean jacket.

This was after a long day visiting friends in Kansas City.  He was worn out and just wanted to go to bed.


I slicked down his curls after his bath.  He looks so grown up!

Getting ready for football season.

Father and son watching ESPN Sportscenter. I am sure there will be much more of this in the future.

 Rex helping keep Asher clean.

He has the walking motion down.....Uncle Bryan get ready!!

I love watching him sleep.  He makes funny faces.
I love him!

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