Our babies

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June activities

Asher will be 11 weeks old tomorrow. June has been a fun month for us.  Mike is around all the time since he has graduated.  We have been wrapping up our stay in Columbia and preparing for Shreveport.  Here's what we have been up to, but not in any particular order. :)
Asher sleeps through the night.  He goes down at 10, wakes up around 6 or 7 to eat, then goes back down for a few hours.  Isn't he a cute sleeper?

Gramma Idso, Mama and Asher made this plate.  We hope to use it for each of Asher's birthdays and maybe he will even eat his graduation cake on it in 2030. We had a good time making it.

At our friend's wedding.  We all dressed up for the special day. 

The wedding wore this guy out. Maybe it was all the ladies that kept coming by and telling him how cute he was.

Checking out the ladies.....

The first Father's Day of many to come.  Asher didn't want to smile because he knows that Daddy doesn't like to smile in most pictures.

Showing off my new flippy-floppies at the doctor's office.  I had to get shots.....and I cried a lot. But Dr. Holly says I am a healthy boy! I am 22in long (25%), 10lbs8oz (25%) and my head is 15 1/2in around (50%).  I have a big head so Daddy says it must mean I am going to be super smart.

I smile all the time now.  I have great conversations with you when you talk with me.

I have a feeling Asher is going to get in lots of trouble....look at that mischievous grin.

Asher has always laughed in his sleep.  I remember it in the hospital the first few days he was alive. No one ever believed me, but now they are starting to experience it themselves and no longer think I am crazy.  

Mike and Asher with Darin and Sammy in St. Louis. 

Two good looking men. How did I get so lucky?
I love bathtime!! 

Gramma Idso and Asher.  This visit, she enjoyed her time with Asher instead of just taking a million pictures - she still took a lot, just not a million. :) Asher loves snuggling with her.
Overall, Asher is a happy boy. Mike and I are so blessed. I can't wait to see what is to come.

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