Our babies

Thursday, August 2, 2012

4 months old...life is definitely not a bore

At his 4 month check-up: 12lbs 6oz(3%) 24.5 in(25%) Head 41.3cm(50%)  He is a little guy. We go back in a month to check his weight. He eats well, just on the small side.

4 months down, many more to come. Asher is growing up so fast! He has rolled from his back to belly...but I didn't see it the first time. He was on his play mat playing. I got up to get something and when I returned, he was on his belly! I was trying to see it happen for real....and finally it did!! See the video below. I have started running with Asher and Rex in the mornings. Asher loves it! Now don't be fooled, I don't run fast, but it is enough to get Asher's hair blowing in the breeze. He Squeals and giggles the whole time. Speaking of squeals......that is all he does for the first hour he is awake in the morning.  I hope he continues to be a morning person because it sure starts my day off right. I can't wait for our family to experience this in a few weeks in person. Most of the videos I am posting are from the morning.

No longer can we leave him unattended on the changing table/ bumbo or unstrapped in the bouncer. (I know we shouldn't have before either, but we did and he survived.) We used to use those as a place to set him while we grabbed something. Oh no, he can wiggle his way out and off. Thank goodness we didn't find this out the hard way. :) No falls yet.

Asher plays with his toys.  He grabs the rings on his play  mat and has a few toys that hook onto his stroller.  He concentrates so hard when he is playing. Mike loves to watch him examine everything. Needless to say, he can entertain himself for awhile. He sticks everything in his mouth and drools a lot. I read that means he is going to get teeth soon. I am not sure how I feel about that but I knew the time would come. Aunt Missy gave him teething rings so we will be able to use those soon!

Asher and I work out together. It's nothing crazy but he loves it.  I do push-ups over him and he giggles when I reach him. I lift him up and to the sides when I do sit-ups. My sister gave me a Baby Yoga/Pilates DVD that we do.  It isn't an amazing work-out, but it is a fun time with Asher.

Asher is a rock star at sleeping...well until this past week.  We figured out that if he goes to bed after 9, we are headed for a major melt-down.  He eats and goes to bed around 8.  Mike and I get some couple time which is nice.  Asher doesn't wake up until 6:30 or 7:00 the next morning.  It is great.  He is getting into routine of taking a couple hour nap in the afternoon and being up most of the day.  He take 20 min power naps here and there. When he wakes up from those power naps he looks at me like, "Okay, I am ready to party!" This past week he woke up at 2am one day and 4am another.....I am not sure what is going on with that.

Okay, I know you want to see pics and videos and not read.....here ya go.


So tired!!

Watching Fireworks.  He loves them!!  He was looking into the sky and following them.

Occasionally I like to sleep in so I get Asher and we nap together. He somehow sleeps longer than me even though he wasn't tired.


Yes, he is a thumb sucker.  I am sure he will need braces when he grows up.

This is how he plays and why he has to be strapped in from now on.  He scooches down and plays with his feet while he sucks his thumb.

We feed a bottle every now and again.  Mike did such a good job but got a little bored because it took 15 minutes.

This is how I find him many mornings.  Thank goodness for breathable bumpers!

Mohawk after bathtime.

Tummy time with Rex!

This was what he wore to church.  All the girls in the nursery loved his 'big man shirt'.  What a stud!
Fun with the webcam.

 Napping in Mama's bed.

Big Boy!!!

Throwing a fit.  They are entertaining at times.


His good morning talks/squeals.
The good morning video we sent to Gramma and Grandma Sally. 

Look I can roll over!!

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