Our babies

Friday, August 24, 2012

Asher's first vacation...with just Mama

Mike loves his job and is working hard.  When I told him I wanted to go home for the Iowa State Fair, he said he couldn't go but I still should.  I was bummed, but then he said take a few extra days and spend time with the family and your friends.  What a great idea!  I decided we would spend time with his family in Glen Ellyn as well as time with my family.  It was too far of a drive for me to do it alone, so that meant flying....with a 4 month old.  I started researching and reading blogs months ago.  I am not a huge fan of flying as it is so I wanted to be as prepared as possible.  When I looked at flights and talked with my sister, she told me she would be in Dallas working the same weekend I was going to fly out.  PERFECT! I would have a very experienced flyer helping me out for my first flight with Asher.  Here is a picture timeline of our 11 day vacation.

Missy was staying downtown Dallas.  We had a little bit of time before her event, so we had drinks on the rooftop pool bar.  Asher is such a city guy!

While Missy had her event, Asher and I met up with Kayla and Blake for dinner.  A year ago at this time I was in Waco with Kayla teaching band camp, just a week after finding out I was pregnant.  It was great seeing her.  

This was the hotel crib. It was such a fancy hotel, but the crib reminded me of a jail cell.  He didn't sleep very good.
Aunt Missy definitely wasn't used to the middle of the night wake-ups.  She tried to participate, but she was tired.

 Morning snuggles.  Asher was in a good mood and Aunt Missy loved playing with him.  She talked/rocked him through two melt downs.  I was so proud of her.

 I couldn't have done it without Missy.  Check-in was great.  We could cut to the front of the security line because we had a baby.  Right before we got ready to board, Asher had a blow-out. Had to have a wardrobe change.  Missy helped me stay calm and not freak out. These are all pictures right as we got on the plane.  Asher did awesome!

 These are pics taken not long after take-off.  Missy and Asher both crashed.

We had a stop in St. Louis but didn't have to get off the plane.  This flight attendant was in love with Asher. She asked if she could hold him.  Usually I don't like strangers doing that, but she gave us extra beverages and snacks on the flight so I said sure.  She then took him all the way up to the front (we were in the last row) as she made sure all chairs were in the upright position.  She was showing off my baby, but I was nervous.
Uncle Danimal and Grandfather Sir picked us up at the Airport.  Asher was too tired to welcome them.

This is Tom (Grandfather Sir) around 1 year we think.  We decided this is who Asher looks the most like right now.

Uncle Danimal was so proud as we walked Asher around the Stars shop.  He could get Asher to smile so easily. Asher could get Danimal to get up in the morning so easily.

On a walk, getting ready for his date with baby CiCi.

Deb and Sarah are new grandmas.  This is them with their new grandbabies.  Sitting behind us were two ladies who were expected their first grandbabies.  It was so fun to hear Sarah and Deb give them advice.  As you can see from the picture, Asher was all about Cici, but Cici was too tired to give him attention.

Hanging out.

After bath time with Grandma Sally.  We had to get the Airport germs off of him.

Grandfather Sir found out that Asher enjoyed the show, "Dinosaur Train".  They would watch it together in the morning.  Grandfather Sir would explain to Asher what was going on.  It was adorable.  Asher loved it!
Grandma Sally bought Asher some new toys.  He would sit and play in his crib for a a long time just having a great time.

Aunt Missy and Uncle Jon picked Asher and me up on their way to Iowa.  Missy sat in back with Asher.  He had tons of toys to play with on the way.

This was Gramma's gift.   A mouse pad with Asher's pics on it.  It is for her computer at work.

First picture at Bettie's Footlongs!! His onesie was made for him at the baby shower by Nanna, Deb Wylie and Cousin Mal.

 So let's just say we didn't pack accordingly.  Our first night at the fair it was like 65 degrees.  I didn't pack enough warm clothes. Asher did okay with it though.  Thursday night he had a meltdown and cried a bunch.  It just took a few days to adjust to being outside all day.

 Mom had a Bettie's onesie made for Asher.  It looks just like the ones they wear at the stand. Uncle Bryan didn't know....it was a fun surprise.

 Aren't they cute?

Me and my little man exploring the fair.  
Hanging out with Uncle Bry.

 Babies shouldn't be allowed in the stand, but since it is Asher, they made an exception. :)

 Picture by the stand!! Sleeping in the breadracks. He was tired and I didn't want to leave him outside in the stroller.  He slept like this for quite awhile. Nanna wasn't happy when she found out.

It is a tradition at Bettie's to take a picture of the first hot dog being eaten.  Aunt Jean helped Gramma do this. Now Asher doesn't eat people food yet, but it looks like he really wanted to.  He was trying to eat this hot dog.

It was just Asher and I the last day of the fair.  They weren't very busy so we were able to hang out on the counter.

At the Hall of Flame! Gramma was able to take Asher to all her favorite spots. Here he is driving the State Patrol car.

Asher is driving a riding mower like his Uncle Bryan used to do.

Asher did not like the Pillsbury Doughboy....can you tell?

The Dominator was a car that chases Tornadoes and can withstand 200mph winds. Gramma wanted to take this pic for Mike.

The Ye Old Mill was something we rode every year at the fair.  It was the only ride I felt comfortable taking Asher on this year.  He liked it.  I was disappointed.  There used to be more scenes on the inside to look at but this year there were only three. 

 Asher loved visiting Nanna!! 
He rolled all over her couch. Nanna wasn't ready for him moving all over the place.  She was a little nervous as first. :)

The Tuesday after the fair.  Gramma is still recovering from the 11 days of hard work.  She decided to nap with Asher.

Laura let us use an old Mobile for the crib at Gramma's.  Asher LOVED it!  We now need to get one for our crib at home.

We put Asher to bed and after a little while hear him crying.  This is what I see when I walk in.  Maybe Gramma needs bumpers.  It was hilarious.

My best friend Laura and I are finally in the same stage of life: Married with Kids. Here we are with our kiddos Asher, Reid, and Reagan.

Henry the Horse is at Gramma's Hy-Vee.  Gramma says she loves watching kids ride him.  We took Asher and he loved it!

Mom captured an awesome picture of Asher just hanging out.

This is at the Kansas City airport after Gramma dropped us off. It was sad leaving her.  We had a long day of travel, but we made it home safely.  Asher was once again a rock-star on the plane - and this flight was not a smooth one. 

So overall we had an excellent time.  Thank you to everyone that helped us out during our trip.  We loved seeing you and can't wait for the next visit - you can come here if you want!! Love you all!

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