Our babies

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Half a year old!

-Asher likes to use the keyboard...

At 6 months Asher is 13lbs10oz weight 25 in length - he is still in the 3rd percentile but he is proportionate so the doctor says not to worry. :)

6 months ago....wow!

I am half a year old! Look at me!

Okay, 6 months! We have made it half a year already! This kid surprises me more and more every day. Where to begin. We go to the doctor on Friday so I will post his stats then.  He is in Size 1 diapers. He can wear size 2 but they are a tad too big..  He wears some 3m tops but mostly 3-6m tops and onesies.  His bottoms are still just 3m.  We try a few 3-6 but they are big and 6m are WAY too big.  So I think he has a long torso and little waist with short legs. We have had a few fall days so far and I was able to use long sleeves and pants!  This is exciting because after a warm spring and then the move to the south, many 0-3 month clothes went unworn.  My new favorite thing? Babies in hoodies.  He will be sporting a lot of those when the weather is cool for sure. 

After a brutal 2 weeks, we have moved from breast to bottle and formula. Asher fought it but then one day just decided he would take a bottle. Now he is drinking formula. He sucks that bottle down like it is nothing.  You would think we didn't feed the poor thing.  We have started Rice Cereal but he isn't a fan. I am not sure what babies really are though.  He puts his mouth on everything and wants to eat and drink everything that Mike and I have. He sucks on his toes and fingers quite a bit as well. We are looking to start foods next week. 

Other exciting news - he is on the move.  This happened over night it seems. He is doing an army crawl of sorts, but he is quick. We set him down for a quick moment and next thing we know he is under a couch or behind the chairs.  We have had to set up a blockade around the entertainment center because no matter how many awesome toys he has out, he would rather play with the modem, xBox, and router. Good thing he doesn't have teeth because he has been caught chewing on some xBox controller wires.  Bad Asher! :) He has been chasing Rex.  Rex isn't quite sure about this yet.  He used to sit right next to Asher to protect him.  Now when he does, Asher rolls over with a crazy look in his eyes and starts after Rex.  Rex will politely scooch backwards but Asher continues on full smiles.  It is hilarious to watch.  Rex has learned that if he licks Asher's face, it slows him down, but just for a short while.  I am not sure what will happen when Asher can run and chase Rex around the house.

Asher takes after his Mama in the sense that he won't shut up!  He has learned how to use his voice and uses it often.  He babbles with gggaaagagagag mamamamamama dadadadadadadadad yayayayyaayyayya.  It is funny because he looks at us as if we were having  a true conversation.  He sings with the radio in the car and chats chats chats.

We have a jumper in Asher.  He jumps up and down when you hold him.  He is still a little too small to get full use out of the Johnny Jump up, but we keep trying. He wants to be held upside down a lot as well.  When you hold him so he can stand, he throws his body to the side to try to get upside down.  It's pretty funny to watch.

Alright, here are a few pics and videos from the last month. Some of them I have put on Facebook, but I know not everyone gets on Facebook.  We had some visitors so you will see that in there too. Enjoy!
Christmas is going to be so much fun.  This was at the doctor's office.  He tore it up.  He doesn't need toys, just give him paper to destroy.

First go around with Rice Cereal.  I didn't even think it would be that messy - so I didn't put a bib on.  I learned my lesson.


Hey friend!

Pound it!

Football Saturdays. Go Buckeyes! Go Panthers!

He loves the mirror. We play a game in the bathroom where we look at him in the mirror and wait for him to see us.  Our bathroom has two mirrors because it is a corner.  He loves this game.

Football leg warmers are awesome!

Kayla and Blake came to visit. 

Last year....
A new family picture!

Grandma Sally and Asher hanging out.

Grandma Sally, Uncle Danimal, and Grandfather Sir chilling with Asher.
 Trying out the Johnny Jump up...

Grandma Sally insisted on letting me eat so she held Asher.  It was nice to be able to enjoy my meal.

 Rice cereal take 2!

 Bath time with Grandma Sally.
Asher LOVES the bath. He splashes and Mama gets all wet! I don't mind though.

Mike can make anything look manly right? Two dudes hittin' the bottle.
Babies in Hoodies!!!  Love it!

I'm after you Rex!!

Go Bucks!
Aww they are sharing their first beer.
This is how I found him one night when I was going to bed.  Those are two stuffed animals he is snuggling with.  I moved the one because I was afraid he couldn't breathe.

I like to roll under things and play.
Zombie Asher!!
I work out!!
Rex, I am gonna get you!

Aren't I cute?

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