Our babies

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Friends, Family and a Fabulous seven months!

Testing out a stocking cap for the cold weather. So cute!

Aunt Missy's 6month outfit gift.

After his 6 month shots.  I thought he was just tired, but about 30 minutes after this picture was taken he spiked a fever of 102.9 and vomited all over me. We called the pediatrician and everything was okay.  This was our first sick kid experience.

Trying to get Wanda's attention at Gramma's house.

Playing with Uncle Bry

Helping us put together this new utility cart.

Too much Cowbell for this Mississippi State Fan.  This is the only pic we have at the game because we left our camera there. :(

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Cynde!!

New Sock Monkey Toy frrom Gramma.

At the State Fair of Louisiana!

Grandma Sally and Granpa hanging out with Asher!

Uncle Danimal can get Asher to laugh so easily.

Playing ball. Now that Asher can sit up, he can play more.

Trying out a lemon....he wanted more!

Ralphie....I mean Asher

Halloween costume during the day,

LOVE this pic.  Asher loves his Uncle.

 First Hair cut. We found when he wore stocking caps, his hair flattened and covered his eyes.  Now that it is shorter again, it is more curly.

Halloween Night costume with creepy eyes.

Helping with Laundry

In a tub at the fair with Uncle Bry.

Asher is normally a good travel buddy, but on our way back from Iowa, he screamed for a few hours...this is a picture when we stopped for his dinner bottle. He was mad at me.
I love my Gramma and my Gramma loves me!

At Gramma's before I got my new high Chair.

Bedtime stories from Gramma.

Naptime with Wanda...

Naptime with Gramma

Riding Henry again

Eating in my new High Chair!!!

 We spent quite a bit of time with Nanna when we were home.  They made each other laugh.

Playing at Uncle Paul's house.

Cowbell ringing at the Mississippi State Game!

I put all the videos and pics first because I know that is what you want to see.  Asher is doing great! He is army crawling everywhere and getting into so much trouble.  Baby food has started and is doing well.  He like Carrots, Peas, Peaches, Apples. He definitely does not like green beans or chicken noodle soup.  He has an awesome belly laugh and is very good at making spit bubbles.  We think he is weighing in around 15 pounds now.  This month was full of visitors and little vacations as you can see from the pictures and videos. :)

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