Our babies

Monday, June 3, 2013

Oh the Places you will go!

Whew, a few thousand miles and two weeks later, we are back together as a family again. May has been a crazy month for the White household, but with the crazy came many great memories. Now that it is just the three of us again, Asher doesn't know what to do without the extra attention.
Asher info: 20lbs (as of this morning!!!!) Size 3 diapers, size 12m clothes (although he still wears 6-9m jeans and shorts), size 4 shoes, size 12-18m sleepers. He eats us out of house and home. He loves drinking his milk and has learned to drink from a straw. This makes traveling easier. He babbles so much and it is just a matter of days before we will be able to understand what he is saying. He walks and runs so well and enjoys walking backwards as well as in circles.

Our first crawfish boil. Asher didn't have one but he was interested in playing with them.

Crazy sleeper

My two favorite boys.

 Pool date for my birthday/mother's day

 Gramma's visit was great! We read stories and splashed in the puddles.

On our long road trip. We stopped at Burger King.

Asher loved dancing with the ladies at Abby's wedding.

Asher is just going for a ride on Nanna's walker.

Memorial day picnic with Reid and Reagan.

Road trip to see the Whites! Enjoying some pizza and chicken nuggets.

Watch out!!

 Asher loved the camper. He wandered around like he owned the place.
Don't be fooled by the ribs, he eats tons of food!!!

Uncle Danimal played peek-a-boo and got so many giggles from Asher

10:30pm: Asher finally falls to sleep.

6:00am: Asher wakes up. It was a short night sleeping next to him, but how could I be crabby when I wake up to this.

Breakfast with Grandma!

Nanna with us at the wedding.

 Ollie likes to come swimming with us!

 Pool time with Gramma!

Aunt Missy snuggle time!!

 Walking around the camp area.Who needs toys when you have Grandma Sally's iced tea?!

Bath in the camper. Perfect for Asher!

 Pool time with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Danimal!

Asher and I smiling at around the same age. He may look more like Mike, but there are a few that I see similarities with me.

Stop at Burger King with the other Grandma during the second road trip.

Asher was so intrigued by Grandpa's hat. He would look under it to see if Grandpa was there and try to take it off and put it back on.

Back together as a family again!!!!

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