Our babies

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Diapers: size 3
Clothes: Mostly 12m (although we still sneak a few 9m in there)
Shoes: Size 4
Weight/Height: 20.1 lb (3%) 29in (10%) Doc says this is still proportionate and we have nothing to worry about. Asher is just a little guy like his daddy was at his age.

Summer is in full swing here in the South. Hot days and hot nights limit our fun a little, but we make the best of it. Asher is sweaty all the time. We hit the pool 3-4 times a week - so much that he has little sores on his feet. This kid loves the water! We went to the waterpark for the first time. Asher was thrilled with the wave pool and water slides. He loves to just explore. He has given me many gifts of worms, leaves, sticks and leaves. He understands a lot more now. Mike says, "Go wake up Mommy!" and Asher runs into the room and yells at me. When I ask if he needs a diaper change, he runs into his room and waits by the changing table. Asher doesn't walk places, he runs. When we go outside, Asher knows he has to wear a hat. I love this because I can get cute hats for him to wear now.
He is becoming a little person now full of real attitude and temper tantrums. Asher knows when he is doing something wrong and will look at us and do it anyway.

I am reading a devotional this month about parenting on my YouVerse Bible app. It is really getting me to think a lot about how much Mike and I impact Asher. I enjoyed the last few sentences today.
 "Discipline begins with a parent's willingness to spend time and energy to shape attitudes and behaviors. Love sets boundaries so that a child knows what is good and bad, what he or she is free to do and not free to do. Discipline involves punishment, because sometimes people learn best through pain. It isn't simply punishment though; it is a process in which you help to shape a person's attitudes and values and behavior to reflect God's ways."

"Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delight you desire." -Proverbs 29:17
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."  - 1 Chronicles 16:24

At the park. He loves slides!

At a playdate, the mower was the only thing he wanted to play with.

Playing in the puddles after a storm

Lunch after swimming - this boy could barely keep his eyes open.

Looking cute!

Ouchies on his toes from crawling in the pool. They have since become worse.

This is the new thing he does in the tub: spreads out flat on his belly.

Loves his boxes!!

 At the water park. Dad tried to take pictures of Asher and I, but we went super fast down the slide. Daddy went really slow.


Hanging with his buddy Ollie

 Finger painting.

At the waterpark!!
Dancing to Taylor Swift.

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