Our babies

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Asher is the littlest big boy I know

       Yup, still hovering around the 20lbs mark. I weighed him yesterday and we hit 21.2 lbs, but that must have been before he went to the bathroom or with a heavy diaper because today it was at 20lbs again. I promise you we feed him. If you ever see him eat, you wouldn't think so because he gets so excited and practically starts shaking. Asher must have a metabolism like his daddy.
       Speaking of his daddy, I am not the favorite around here right now. Daddy is WAY more fun than Mama. Whatever Daddy is doing, Asher wants involved. I am okay with that because I get some more breaks. :) Mike is starting to get used to the fact that Asher wants Daddy to carry him and play with him.
       July has been a good month for us. We have taken it easy and enjoyed Shreveport. The pool has been visited frequently but we also let Asher explore while we sit outside. He knows where his nose, ears, head, belly, and feet are located. He knows what cartoon he wants to watch on Netflix and what ones he does not want to watch. Asher isn't speaking words, but he gets his point across by pointing and shaking his head until he gets exactly what he wants. I can't wait for him to talk so that process will go away. He attempts to put on his shoes....and our shoes. Not totally successful, but a pleasure to watch.

Diapers: size 3
Shoes: size 4, but they are getting close to being too small
Clothes: definitely 12m tops, a few 18m rompers, 9-12 shorts
Sleep: one nap a day usually after lunch for 2ish hours; bedtime 7:30pm wakes around 7am
Favorite toys: cars/trucks; push walkers (should have been put away 6 months ago, but he loves them even though he doesn't need them), books (he will get books out and 'read' on his own)
Favorite foods: Fig newtons, bananas, Hostess powdered donuts (they are a making a sweet comeback!), Yogurt (especially when in the tube go-gurt style), popcorn, hot dogs, eggs.

So as you can see, we do feed him. In fact I am training him for the Iowa State Fair next week. He is going to have so much fun eating out there.

"The Lord has done this, and it is amazing to us!" Psalms 118:23
Asher is a great kid. I say kid, because he is quickly growing up from my baby boy. We are so blessed to have him in our life. He makes us laugh, cry, and pray...a lot. ;) He is a boy in all areas. It brings so much joy watching him figure things out and test us. He is a true gift from God.

Just a boy and his stick.
We have a soccer player!

He didn't get hurt, in fact he laughed about it.

It looked like he was peeing, so I took a pic. Obviously he wasn't since he was in diapers, or maybe he was and I didn't know it.

Playing in the sprinklers outside our apartment. Who knew they would be so fun!

I love them!

So cool in Mama's shades

He was falling asleep and I was tickling his face.

There isn't a whole lot of things cuter than a sleeping baby.


His new chair!!

Plastic cups=favorite toys

Silly time! He was laughing and being so funny this day.

Chocolate chip cookie and hot afternoon stroller ride=messy face.

Begging for more powdered donuts.

Just sitting on his car watching the cars go by.

Asher LOVED Kevin and Michelle's 3-legged cat named House. He chased him around and tried to grab his one front leg.

Outside "Mike the Tiger" habitat at LSU. Asher was terrified of this tiger statue.

Seeing the pigs at LSU vet school.

Pretty Horsie!

Big dogs don't scare Asher, though they were a little better at getting food from him then Rex.

Just picking my nose.

Water fun day with Ollie!

 Helping Daddy fix the TV. It was so funny to watch Asher try to copy Mike. Like Father like Son.

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