Our babies

Monday, September 30, 2013


I don't know about you guys, but September flew by for the White family. We didn't have that much stuff to do, but this month went by really fast. Asher is 21lbs. He wears size 5 shoe and size 3 diaper. He still ranges in clothes from 9m-18m depending on brand and style. Favorite toy is anything he can push. We just got a push mower at a consignment shop. If it were real, we would be making tons of money having Asher mow for us. He does a good job mowing the carpet in the hall though. ;)  We started Mothers Day Out at church. I am working in the 2 year old room and Asher goes in a different room with Ms. Sue and Ms. Diane. He loves going to school. It is a nice break in our day during the week. He plays hard and then comes home and sleeps hard too. Asher finally decided he likes grapes and blueberries! YAY We were just a banana kind of family, but now we can mix it up. He dabbles with cantaloupe and likes it some days and not on others.  We go for our 18 month check-up on Friday. I know his weight won't change because we were just at the doc for an ear infection/throat infection this week. He must of caught something at the airport when we flew to Columbus, Ohio. Overall, it was a good month. Asher is in a phase where in cries and throws a huge fit when he doesn't get his way the minute he decides he wants that. We are exploring options on how to deal with that.It is hard when Asher is 'bad' because he has always been an easy baby. When he throws fits, it is new to us.

Ollie pushing Asher around. :)
This is 

 Helping Daddy change the lightbulb.....

 Now getting back down. He knew Dad did it correctly.

Exploring the flavor of Icee!

 Helping unload the dishwasher....

 Hanging out at the airport.

See baby Lucy?? Asher was so good with the baby.

Naps only came via car rides during our weekend trip. Tired boy.

If you say, "cheese!" Asher will too, and smile.

Chilling with Baby Lucy.

On the train at the Zoo

 "See Daddy, this is how you mow the lawn."

 "Good job Daddy, you learn quickly!"

Just reading and becoming smarter.

 Taking Shep for a ride in the wagon. He and Shep are good buddies.

Go Buckeyes!!!

Maybe a reason he is sick. He just loved laying on the airport floor. Whatever keep him happy was our motto for flying.

His favorite place was under the seat in front of us. It was just his size....and probably another reason he was sick when we got home.

Grandma and Grandpa brought him a toy....and they took it to their house when we left. It is a loud toy that should only be used at grandparents houses.

 Shucking and eating corn was a lot of fun!!

Go Buckeyes! Asher didn't go to the game with us, he stayed with Grandma and explored the RV park.

Auntie Em and soon to be Uncle Mike!

He liked pushing Lucy on the swing.

Everyone working together to navigate the Columbus Zoo!

I guess Asher loved the bird area. I let Daddy and Grandma do that one. He likes birds. On our walks he points to them in the sky and says"Birrrr"

Striking a pose like Uncle Danimal.

Taking control and leading the way!

Hey, where did it go? Asher liked the aquariums.


That monkey is pretty high up!

Train ride!

We had good seats for the ride home. He has plenty of space to hang out. Asher does awesome in the airports and while the plane is in the air. It is take off and landing that he doesn't like. By the second flight home, he just passed out. He was tired from a long eventful trip.

 He only wants to eat with a fork now.....don't try to take it from him.

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