Our babies

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our August travels

With our last post and big announcement, I didn't have a chance to share all the fun we had during August. I will let the pictures do the explaining. Note: Pictures are in no particular order. :)
Ollie and Asher hanging out at the pool.

Eating breakfast at Aunt Missy and Uncle Jon's house

 Playing in the pond at the RV park with Grandpa and Grandma. Asher didn't like the sand.

Helping to pack up the camper.

Riding through the lots watching Drum Corps warm up for Semi-finals.

 AT the stand at the fair.

Tired boy. That was a common theme the whole trip. He played hard and slept hard.

What is this guy doing? You looking at me??

Pool time with Daddy.

 Good 'ol Uncle Danimal. Asher always loves seeing him.

 He played with water and dirt and became a mess!!  I loved it! Missy and Jon's backyard was perfect!

 Playing with some pizza dough in Indy.

 This boy loves his lemons....weird right?

 A sprinkler Uncle Jon bought for Asher. He liked it, but didn't like when he couldn't bring his stick.

 Seeing the animals at the fair. He was cautious but interested. Just because we are from Iowa doesn't mean we grew up on a farm.....

 First Betties hot dog!!! It is a big deal in our family.

And don't forget the donuts....YUM!!!

My three favorite kids: Asher, Reid and Reagan.

 Little hands on the farm was an interactive farm for kids. They learned to earn money for different farming jobs. Asher was a bit small, but did great!

Planting seeds to grow vegetables.

Silly boys!!

 Lego exhibit at the fair. They had some just Asher's size.

Going down the big slide. It was fun going with Mom and Missy because we did this all throughout our childhood.

That's all folks!

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