Our babies

Monday, January 6, 2014

December was a month to remember

Well this month was definitely one to remember. The stomach flu hit the family for a second time, that was fun. Baby Buttercup gave us some problems, that was fun. Asher actually showed excitement and personality at Christmas, that was fun.

So let's back up. We went for our 28 week appointment on December 13 (freaky Friday lived up to its name). Expecting a normal report and getting a 4d ultrasound, we learned my amniotic levels were at 6. Normal range is 8-18. With Asher, I was at a level 8 around 35 weeks. This was partially a reason for being induced with him. So doc said Buttercup was fine, but I had to be admitted. I was hooked up to an IV and fed electrolytes for 24 hours. I blew out 6 different veins (that was fun). But by Saturday morning my levels were up closer to 8. I was sent home on strict bed rest over the weekend and told we probably shouldn't go home for Christmas. We went back to the doctor on Monday and levels were up to a 9 (getting better because of rest and chugging water). I was put on limited bed rest for the week which meant I went to work, only did crafts with the kids, came home and rested on the couch till Mike got home. Asher and I watched a lot of Cars this week. I went back to the doc on Friday, December 20 and my levels were 12. I was given the okay to go home but told to still take it easy. Trust me, it is easier to take it easy back in the midwest with family because there are so many hands and eyes to be with Asher.We hit the road for Des Moines on Friday around 3pm. We got in and who got sick? Me, with a fever and head cold. I spent the next two days in bed. Great way to start our vacation. But like I said, I had plenty of people to take care of me and Asher.

We met Baby Harrison finally. Asher was jealous when I held him and didn't want to share toys with him. But that was expected. We were in Iowa until Christmas Eve, then left for Chicago.
Bowling party for Mike's work. Asher LOVED it.He bowled the entire time.


28 weeks, right before our appointment that landed us in the hospital.
Hanging out with Mama at the hospital.

I didn't start packing until after my doc appointment. This little guy made it even more difficult. He just wanted to sit in the suitcase and watch cartoons.

Meeting Baby Harrison.

He got a quilt for Christmas and he immediately covered up with it on the floor. He was really excited.


Riding the train at the mall with Gam Gam (our new name for Gramma). He didn't want anything to do with Santa, but he liked the Choo choo.

Someone was a little jealous and had to be held.

Christmas PJs and story the night before Santa comes!

Harrison's diaper and Asher's....it makes Asher seem like he has a big ol butt.

Has Santa been here??? Asher didn't seem to care, we took him away from his cartoons on my phone.

Asher turned away from Harrison and did not want to share or show him his new toys.


Playing trucks with Uncle Bryan. Asher loves cars, trucks and trains this year.

Merry Christmas from the Idso, Berg, and White family!

Christmas Eve Morning we ventured over to Glen Ellyn to spend time with the Whites. After all the craziness from the previous week and weekend, it was nice to have a low key, relaxing week. Asher got to play in the snow and go on his first train ride! It was pretty eventful. Aunt Kathy flew up from Florida and got to meet and play with Asher. 
Danimal helped Asher find the pickle in the tree. That meant that Asher got to open the first gift.
A train set!! Choo choo

 Asher loved those trains until he got Uncle Danimal's gift....cars. He dropped the trains and did a happy dance for the cars. It was adorable.

Merry Christmas!!

Playing in the snow!

 Grandpa planned a fun day for Asher. We took the train down a few stops, had lunch and ice cream, and took the train home. Asher loved it!
three generations...Daddy, Asher, and Grandpa.

He was so happy!

Three happy guys!

Then there was the Elmo Chicken dance.....Asher picked up on this pretty quick.
We left Glen Ellyn on New Year's eve and ventured back to Des Moines for a few more days. Asher loves going to Target especially when he can have popcorn.

The popcorn machine was broken so we bought a huge thing of cheese balls. He made the trip better.

 Mom and Bry babysat so we could have a date night on our last night. I think Asher was spoiled a little.

We left Des Moines on Friday, January 3 and drove to Kansas City. We hung out with Matt and Brooke. We didn't have a crib so we used the papyson chair. Asher loved it. 

Asher convinced Matt to come into his cave with him.
We got home around 9. Asher was obsesed with his blanket and baby. He wouldn't put them dowm. Must be a security thing since he was in a different place so much. This is him walking in to the apartment.
Playing at home!!!

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