Our babies

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January, the month of sickness

Well this month has had Asher feeling sick more often than not. Poor guy came down with a cold that has kept him congested for the entire month, caused a double ear infection, numerous viruses, and a nasty cough. I guess it is better to have it now than in a month when the baby comes, but still. I feel sorry for the guy. This last weekend was the first when he wasn't snoring or catching his breath all night. Poor little fella. I think we are finally at the end of the tunnel, thank the Lord!

Good news is, Asher is 23lbs! woohoo! I feel like it took forever for him to get over the 20lbs plateau. He is wearing mostly 18m clothes but some 18-24m clothes. He is still rocking size 3 diapers. We are in size 5 1/2 and 6 shoes. He loves his car shoes he got for Christmas. He usually picks those out to wear. Asher is starting to repeat and pick up on lots of things he hears. Not that we have potty mouths around the house, but we now have to watch was we say a little closer. Favorites: cottage cheese, milk, cheese balls, grapes, mac'n'cheese, waffles. Those are staples in our pantry right now.

Baby White is still acting up...this girl is giving us trouble before she even meets the world! I can't imagine what is in stake for us after she is born. Went to the doctor a week ago and amniotic levels are at a 9. This is in the normal range but still low. Doctor wasn't thrilled with this. The c-section is scheduled for March 3, but she said if my levels drop below 8 between now and then, she is going to, "Pull the trigger and take that baby out of there". So we have that to think about. With Asher being sick the last week or so, I have been able to rest a lot and get my fluids in. I still am on modified bed rest which means I go to work then come home and rest. Mike has been a good coach on water drinking. Grandparents have made travel arrangements for the baby's arrival, so this girl needs to behave herself. I go back to the doctor on Friday, February 7. I will be 36 weeks.
Say Cheese!!!!

We have a lot of attachement to our baby and blanket since winter break. Usually we have to have it when we go for morning walks. Not sure why, but it is a must.

Waiting for Daddy to finish going to the bathroom. He started out pounding on the door, then just laid down on his blanket.

Sitting at MOPs while Mama worked. He was sick and couldn't play.

Twins! By the end of today Asher was miserable with a double ear infection.

New fav thing: watching TV in Mama and Daddy's bed. We don't mind, but Daddy says there are crumbs....I don't think so

Good helper
Playing video games with Daddy. It's a White thing...Idsos didn't play video games.

Morning smiles

Exploring the car


This boy loves his cars.

 Resting....can you see the pattern? We are getting good at this.

Daddy's glasses

Bed head

Helping daddy work out. He was counting the reps.
Killing time at the Dr. office. Asher was exploring the car. He learned how to turn the key on and off....that means trouble!!

He started saying, "good Job!" a lot. I got it on video. He tells everyone this: check-out people at Wal-Mart, Daddy, Rex, everyone. I found out that he is told this at MDO by his teachers. He learns so much stuff from them. :)

My smart boy. He loves playing his puzzles and games on the tablet. This Super Why game was new and he wanted to play. I sat with him and was amazed at what he could do. He is learning his letters!! This teacher Mama is proud!

33 weeks with baby white

Asher now has room in his closet to share with his sister. Girls on right, boys on left.

Girl stuff!!
35 weeks with baby White

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