Our babies

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Our 'HOU'

No that isn't a typo, that is what we here when we pull off the main road into our neighborhood. "Mommy, our hou? our hou? Can I push the button Mommy?" Asher is loving our new house. The button he refers to in the garage opener. Yes, we have a house and a garage!! We are transitioning well. We have been here almost three weeks now, and I have unpacked all of the boxes. I don't know how we survived in a small apartment because I feel like I have filled this place up already!

The first week we were here and were just camping out. We didn't have our furniture, but we did have a tv, camping chairs, Asher's picnic table, the pack'n'play, and air mattresses. We made it work and we just so happy to be able to make the move together as a family. Our POD came 1 week later, and we quickly got our belongings out and put away.
Last pic in our Shreveport Apartment

Mike, Asher and Rex in the CRV followed by me and Ayla in the Civic.

We got in at midnight and Asher just ran all over the new house.

His new bed! It is just an air mattress for now. He still falls out just about every night. The air mattress makes that a little easier.

Asher loves having a back yard. Rex is not sure about it yet. He thinks we are going to leave him.

Hanging out with Daddy

Ayla had not one, but TWO huge blow outs the week we moved in. We did not have a washer and dryer so these nasty clothes sat in the sink with detergent. They survived!

So that was fun and all, but it got old. We unpacked the POD in record time I feel. Ayla is now in her own room in a crib. We have found fun things to do here in Tulsa already! We have $1 movie days like we did in Shreveport. We also go to the local library for story time. Asher loves it. On Wednesdays, we go downtown to a park for outdoor story time, splash pad fun, and food truck lunch! I feel very comfortable getting out and about on my own.

So much room!!!

We watched the POD get delivered. It is driven by a remote control, so it is fun to watch.

Rest time

Our patio - we have since received a grill.

Toys, yet so much room to play!

My view from the kitchen. I love that I can see them while I make meals.

Mike graduated the Thursday before we moved. We were able to go to his work on Friday and celebrate with him. Now, Mike is working long days, but loves his job. He works in a lead basement, so it is hard to reach him during the day. He must have known my uneasiness because he calls and checks in during lunch. I appreciate that very much. We have been able to meet up with him for lunch already too!
Mike had to give a little speech. He did awesome. Or as he says, "I brought down the house with laughter."

Mike and Terry Wu

Daniel helped us move. He works with Mike. He was also the one that got us plugged in at Broadmoor.

Mike's boss Terry.

Our weekends are spent exploring and getting settled right now. We have had to purchase a refrigerator, washer and dryer, and lawn mower. I feel like Will Ferrel in Old School when he talks about spending his Saturday taking a trip to Home Depot.  We have discovered an awesome pizza joint as well as craft beer stores. Quick Trips are everywhere! I have to admit, I did go to one twice in one day: morning to get a Rooster Booster (their energy drink slushie) and afternoon for a hot dog. I can't wait for Bryan to come visit and experience it with me!

Tiffany and Ollie came to visit the second week we were here. I think Asher needed it. He seemed confused about how the move worked so when his bff showed up, he was more than thrilled. I was able to get a lot unpacked while they were here. And it was nice seeing a familiar face as well. :)

 We have tried out a few churches and think we might have one that we want to regularly attend. This will be the best way to get plugged in and quick. So we will keep you updated on our church progress.

I'll update on Ayla a few days before she is 5 months old. She was doing great! Ayla was sleeping 10-11hrs at night. Then all of a sudden she wasn't. Now she goes 6ish hours and needs to be fed. Then she is up again a few hours later. We have started cereal with her. She hates it, but loves holding onto the spoon. She still has not rolled over. She will lay on her belly and stare at me, but refuses to roll over. Ayla loves sitting in her bumbo. You know the warnings about bumbos? The ones that say don't leave child unattended because they can fall out? With Asher, I laughed at these. I thought, how could that ever happen. Well with Ayla, I now know. She is always buckled in when it is on the floor because she has pushed her way out. When we use it on the table we sit right next to her the entire time. You will see in the video. I don't know how she does it.... We have her sit with us at the dinner table when we eat. She just likes to be a part of the family. Ayla chats so much! She has a lot to say and wants to make sure you are listening. If you look away, she will fuss until you look again. Then she will continue to chat away.  She laughs at Asher - or better yet, Asher makes her smile and laugh. They really are beginning to interact well with one another. Asher is a big helper. He can get me her diapers. burp cloth, pacifier, and anything else I need.We started bathing her in the big tub and she absolutely loves it! You will see that in a video.  Ayla still has to take prune juice pretty regularly. With the exception of her blow outs, she really isn't very good at pooping. She seems to like it though. We are rocking size 1 diapers and mostly 3m clothes. There are a few 0-3 and 3-6 that she can wear. When I looked back at Asher's baby book, he weighed the same as Ayla at 4months (12lbs 6oz). Ayla is a little shorter than Asher was though. So I like to call her our little fatty.

Here ya go!

We found a new park already!
Rex is enjoying the yard, but only if we are out there with him. 
We have a little pool and sprinkler. I have to admit that I miss the apartment pool. 

Toes in the grass

Fun with Ollie. I can't wait until they are a little older and can sleep in the same room like a sleepover. 

Story time at the park

Ewww cereal!

I have to swaddle her to help her nap.


Attack of the Asher!

Good at Tummy time, bad at rolling over. She will probably crawl before she rolls over.

My favorite picture.

Asher has taken over feeding Rex. He loves to do it so we count it as his first Chore.

1 comment:

  1. We had some similar new house experiences! Kylie is still loving the garage door opener, and the first week we were here our dog kept trying to sneak out the door and run to the car.
