Our babies

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer fun!

Ayla turns 6 months old this week and we have had some milestones. She has rolled over! Now don't confuse this with rolling over. This is not plural - but it has happened! Rolling over is hopefully in the near future. Now fast forward two days, and Ayla is sitting up! She lasts for a minute or two on her own before falling to one side or the other. But this gets better every day. Ayla acts like she wants to crawl, but that has not happened yet. We looked back at previous posts, and Asher was rolling across the room and army crawling at this age.It was frustrating at first to think how little Ayla is doing compared to Asher, but we know every kid is different. She will get there when she gets there. On a positive note, we have teeth! This time I want you to notice the plural form! Ayla has her two bottom teeth coming in! She is not doing the best - these teeth are causing some problems. She is definitely fussy and not sleeping well. Combine this with Oklahoma allergies and you get a sad little girl. She needs lots of snuggles right now.

We are completely in size 2 diapers. We have some 3m clothes fitting but a lot more 3-6m and even 6m clothes. Ayla is loving her teething rings right now and enjoys rasberries being blown on her belly (especially by Asher). She grabs your face if you get close - just so she can smile at you.  We are still working on cereal. Right now it is about every other day. Up till this week, we were on a pretty good 4hr feeding schedule. With the teeth and allergies, her sleeping schedule is off, so the eating schedule is off. We try out a new pediatrician next week and I am excited to see her stats. I weighed her the other day and she was around 16/17lbs. I will keep you posted.** EDIT** Ayla is 24 1/4 in (6%) 14 lbs 10oz (21%) Head is 44cm (86%).

Asher is growing up so much!He is in size 3 diapers and 18-24m clothes.I think Ayla will catch up to him in diapers before he is out of them. He does wear 2T one piece PJs.  His vocabulary is really growing and he is very sure of things he is saying. He NEEDS and LOVES everything. Right now he says, "Milk Please" but we are working on, "May I have Milk please". He is catching on and getting better each day. Asher still has his chore of feeding Rex (or Shrek as he says). It is funny. When he gets his scoop of food and pours it in the bowl, I would prompt him with, "Tell Rex, Sit! Now what do you say? That's right, Go ahead!" Now when Asher feeds him, I don't need to say much. Asher says, "Dit Shrek. What do you say? And Go!" It is close enough. Rex knows what he is saying. Rex makes eye contact with Asher now instead of me. He knows that Asher is the lead on feeding now.

We are starting the potty training process. We have a little potty and big boy underwear. He knows what they are both for, but is not ready. We ask, "Asher, should we go pee pee on the potty?" and his response, "No I can't! No pee pee poo poo potty!" This isn't an issue for us. We ask every day, but don't force anything. We are in no hurry right now (especially since Asher is the ring bearer in Auntie Em's wedding next month).

We traveled back home a few weeks ago for Uncle Bry's birthday and Auntie Em's bridal shower. The drive was great compared to what we had been doing from Shreveport the past two years. The kids did great! So great that we are doing it again this weekend.

Mike and I have kind of been in a funk since moving here and we realized it was due to lack of exercise. When you go from working out a few times a week to nothing, it takes a toll on your mental and physical well being. Mike joined the gym at the hospital and I joined the YMCA. There is free child care at the Y, and that works out great! Asher loves the Y. The girls in his room are so friendly, and best of all he gets to plaint! (Asher calls any kind of craft plainting).

Here are some pics and videos from our month.

A summer wouldn't be complete without drinking for the hose! Probably not safe, but we all did it when we were young right?
This girl was happy! She had a blow out diaper and got to play with water - a win win for Ayla!

Asher got a bike from his buddy Reid. Man he was so excited!

We celebrated Uncle Bry's birthday at Incredible pizza. Asher really enjoyed Skeeball. Uncle Bry loved playing with Asher.

Pool fun in the backyard

Splash pad at Guthrie Green! This is the park we go to on Wednesday mornings for story time.

Baby Oil and Flour - fun sand to play with!

And we found our toes!!

Ayla sleeping in Mama's old crib

 Glow in the dark Putt Putt

Gam Gam got my phone and took selfies with Ayla.

Walking out of Incredible Pizza with his prizes

Since Mike didn't go back to Iowa with me, Asher and I shared a bed.

Ayla finally met Aunt Dorrie and soon-to-be Uncle Rob!

Hanging with Papa

Auntie Em (bride-to-be) and Ayla meet!

Asher pushed this shopping cart around all day long!

Asher hasn't had a picture with these two since his 1st birthday! Long overdo!

Cool big boy bed at Ma and Papa's

Ma and Asher at Daddy's old school.

A makeshift crib for naps downstairs

Papa teaching Asher how to golf.

Snack break

 TOOT TOOTS is a train restaurant in Glen Ellyn. Asher loved it!

Uncle Danimal making Ayla smile and laugh

Choo Choo train will fall Mommy! Asher is concerned about his new wall art.

A new splash pad we found.

Swinging together! Ayla's first time in the swing.

What family walks look like now - Asher has a bike!

 pool time fun!
See her leg? She scooted around the pool this way.

Fatty kept tipping over, so I had to balance her with my feet.

Happy family!

Drinking sweet tea! My little southern boy.

Toes toes toes

Our last movie of the summer

Playing cars - everyone is involved.

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