Our babies

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fair time and family!

We are taking advantage of living closer to family. I made the trip back to Urbandale again with the kiddos a few weeks back to hit up the good 'ol Iowa State Fair! Aunt Mit (Missy), Uncle Jon and Baby Hart (Harrison) also made the trip so we had a little family reunion. It was awesome and terrible as well. I experienced my first huge meltdown with Asher while at the fair. He threw himself on the ground and had a full on tantrum for at least an hour but probably a little longer than that. It felt like forever. The hardest part was not being at home in our own environment, and not having Mike to help. Good thing Gam Gam was there and could step in when I needed her. Asher was LOVED the train exhibit - that is what started the meltdown. He wanted to stay there forever! The good out weighed the bad, and you will see by the pics (most of which I probably already posted on Facebook) everyone had fun.

Roadtrippin'. These kids are all-stars. They sleep for at least 3 of the 7 hours.

Gam Gam, we are here. Where are you?

In Uncle Bry's truck

Burning energy after a long car ride.

I can't wait for them to get older since they are so close in age.

Good morning play time!!

This was right before Harrison pulled Ayla's bow and snapped it over her eyes.

 It was POURING but we went out to the fair anyway. Gam Gam got to get away from the stand awhile.

Random ChooChoo trains we stopped to see numerous times.

Asher begged to see Clipper (clifford) but this is as close as he would go.

Hi Wanda!

Asher loved it. We went to this exhibit twice.

Hi Aunt Missy!

Asher LOVED Baby Hart and was very concerned when he wasn't around.

Aunt Mandy Snuggles. I loved how Harrison rests his head on my shoulder.

Old School Bettie's uniform - red and White stripe

A family who plays together, naps together.

Asher really enjoyed the slide. So Gam Gam took him a second time. He walked all the way up by himself.

Spin Art was 25cents when I was little. This little creation costs us $2!

 Asher kept taking bites from the bottom of the cone. Silly boy.

I love seeing him walk with Aunt Missy.

Poor Gam Gam was exhausted by Sunday, but she still wanted to hang with Asher. How she made it with him on his shoulders I have no idea.

Harrison helping me with laundry.

Last morning play date.
First time fairgoers!

Gam gam was loving this!!!

So was Uncle Bry.

First time down the slide. All three little ones with Gam Gam. Missy and I on either side to assist.

Second time down the slide. Selfie!!!

We got home from the fair on Monday, and the Whites came to see us Friday! Asher and Ayla were spoiled yet again. This time Mike and I got some time away too so we were spoiled right along with them. Asher just loves his Uncle Danimal. He loves him so much, he smothers him! Uncle Danimal needed some breaks from Asher but Asher didn't understand that. It was fun to watch them - Asher bug bug bug bug bug Danimal, then act very concerned when Danimal didn't want to play. :)  We had Ayla's 6month pictures while they were here. It was the hottest day so far and Ayla was not in a good mood. It was great having Ma and Papa on hand to help with everyone including Rex. The photographer says we got some good pics, but I am not so sure. We will have to wait and see.

Ayla started food! Ma got to be the first one to feed her. These are bananas. She did okay eating them.

 Auntie Em gave us a bedroom set and the Whites brought it down. Asher is helping Papa. The pic below is after he pushed Papa's hand out of the way and said, "No no, Asher do!"

They brought Asher his shopping cart. He enjoyed pushing Ayla around. I guess the Whites have a history with pushing kids in shopping carts. I heard a couple different versions of a story involving Emily, Amanda, and Mike.

Boys being boys

They also brought Asher his Tricycle. In June he couldn't really reach the pedals. But this time he is doing great!

Papa installed a swing for Ayla. Asher loves pushing her!

Tablet in the cart, pushing it around...talk about mobile device!

Our new bed set!

Asher doesn't understand how to step back once you push her. He wanted to run up to it after he gave her a big push!

We are spoiled because in less than a month we fly  to Chicago for Auntie Em's wedding. Asher is the ring Bearer. Aunt Missy, Gam Gam and Baby Harrison are also going to be there. We get to see family so much more now that we live closer!!

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