Our babies

Monday, December 29, 2014

It was the most wonderful time of the year!

So I am a little behind on posts here. I missed Ayla's 10month post. That's okay though. She has made huge strides these past weeks. She is pulling up on everything and walking along furniture. She SHOVELS food into her mouth and will eat just about anything. She is drinking from a sippy cup without problem. She can fend for herself against silly boys (Asher and Harrison).

 Asher is entering a very defiant stage. He has a little attitude and hand gestures that go great together. Common phrases: I don't like! I don't want to! I am not ready yet! No! You hurt me! (any time you touch him when he is crabby). He does surprise us from time to time. You will see pictures of food that he doesn't normally eat. There were a few days when he just decided he wanted it and ate it. We offered it the next day and he refused. Crazy kid.

We have been spoiled these past few weeks. A week in DSM for Thanksgiving. Then a week in Glen Ellyn and DSM each for Christmas. Lots of extra eyes and hands to give these guys attention.

Asher is great at brushing his teeth and needed a picture of him in action.

Ayla and Harrison

Asher and Harrison in matching PJs at Thanksgiving

Asher likes to help. Here he is cutting cheese for Thanksgiving. One on the plate, one in his mouth.

Wagon rides from Uncle Bry

Helping Gam Gam bake

 I'm the king of the mountain!!!

Happy Birthday Harrison! (Asher sayshe is 2, Harrison is 1 and Ayla is zero)
 These pics are from our Family exercise class at the YMCA. Asher loves exercising with Mommy!
Scooter crawls

lifting weights - strong muscles!


Wheel to work our abs like Daddy does.

 Seeing the pretty lights in Tulsa!

Eating a cheeseburger at Gam Gam's work. A surprise to me - but he ate almost half of it!

 These were all pics from the mall in Dsm. Train ride and reindeer pics - the traditions at Valley West.

Asher went through the fruit basket and ate around two apples. Another surprise meal

Choo choo trains with Daddy

Papa got a polar express train for his birthday and let Asher play with it.

Ayla loved Yoshi!!!!
 Brookfield zoo was decorated with lights. Asher wanted to ride the Carousal like at Auntie Em's wedding. And he was not shy to get his picture taken with the snowman.
 Funny sleeping pics of these kids.

Asher and Papa at the Zoo

 Christmas eve at the Whites!

 Christmas at the Idsos!
Our little Elves

 Opening gifts at both places was crazy. Asher just tore through gifts no matter who they belonged to. I couldn't keep up with that kid. He was totally over stimulated but had a blast! Ayla just wanted to eat paper.

 One of Mom's gifts was a new family pic. Of course Ayla didn't smile, but at least she wasn't crying the entire time. We went right at 9 when they opened and had full meltdowns by 10. The joys of picture taking with toddlers.

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