Our babies

Monday, January 19, 2015

My baby is growing up

Ayla is 11 months old. YAY. She is a little stinker. She shovels food into her mouth. We have yet to find something she doesn't like or won't eat. She walks along furniture but prefers crawling or being held. She demands your attention. A typical day for Ayla: 7:30 wake up, breakfast, play, maybe go to church or the YMCA, lunch around 11/11:30, play, 12:30-3 nap, snack, play, dinner around 5, bedtime around 7:15/7:30.    It's a good day. She plays well with Asher and enjoys destroying the train set on the train table. Ayla still loves baths but doesn't understand that she shouldn't stand up (it's slippery). When she's tired, she's tired - put her to bed.  A 15 min power nap does wonders for her (she gets that from her mama). We had her first illness this month: a terrible ear infection. She never tugged on her ear, but was very cuddly (she is not a cuddler). That was the only real sign I had that she may be sick. She is wearing mostly 9m clothes, size 3 diapers and size 3 shoes. The pacifier is still VERY important.

Asher is different from Ayla in many ways. He is a very picky eater and only weighs a few more pounds than her. But man, he is a great big brother. He loves hugging and kissing Ayla. With that comes some wrestling and roughness, but Ayla doesn't seem to cry too much. Asher is very smart and tells Daddy a lot of what goes on during the day. It is an entertaining play by play with different voices and all. He is a ball full of energy and it wears this mama out, but when channeled in the right direction, I can handle it. :)  Asher is wearing size 7 shoes, and a range on his clothes from 24m-2T. He is our little guy - small but mighty!

This month has really been spent getting back into routine. We had some visits from friends and Gam Gam, but other than that, it was a calm month.

7am on New Years day. Let's just say, Mama had to take a nap.

When I knew that my baby was sick.

Daddy has Thursday off now. The kids love having him home.

Playing Disney Infinity with Daddy

Beautiful weather!

Pizza with Gam Gam



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