Our babies

Friday, July 24, 2015

The last one before the new one arrives

This is probably the last post before we welcome the baby! The baby is doing great! At our last check-up baby was in the 39%!!  We may actually have a 7lb baby! I am getting another ultrasound next week to just make sure we finish out strong. Date has been set, August 12 @ 9am!

July 7 around 34 weeks

Almost 37 weeks! This was right before my appointment. At my 36/37 week appointment with Ayla, we had a baby 90min later. Not this time. This baby is behaving and cooking like it should be. 

We are slowing down around here. The month of July has been busy and is going quickly. Here is what we have done.

 4th of July - We just hung out but Asher did sparklers for the first time and loved it! Ayla could care less.

Getting things ready for baby....Ayla isn't so sure

Ayla has good days and bad. I think she is cutting teeth. Those days she gnaws on her hands and snuggles a lot.

We made the ten hour drive to Chicago for Aunt Dorrie and Uncle Rob's wedding. Both the kids and I did great on the drive!  The weather was beautiful so we spent time outside. We were in Glen Ellyn for two days and then in a hotel in Kankakee for two nights. We had joining rooms with MeMaw and Papa which was really helpful. And Gam Gam made the trip over for the wedding to help too.

Kids woke up at 5:30! It was toooooo early for me.

The only pic I have of the two kids together. They did AWESOME!

Watching color guards warm up at the drum corps show

Asher's new favorite thing is playing in Ayla's bed.

Daddy said 5 min till bed, but it was a little long because he was doing dishes. Asher went and got his baby and blanket and laid on the couch.

Ayla likes to give the couch rasberries.

Watching Colts rehearse!


Ayla snuggles between my belly and legs

 National Hot Dog Day!!

We use the pool often! Ayla now has a bikini.

 A new (old) toy in the house - they play together and fight over it.

This is how Ayla plays with the tablet. She gets very aggressive and irritated easily. But when she is having fun, she loves it!

Asher got hold of the camera and took pictures. It's quite funny.....He didn't understand that there wasn't a viewing hole - it was the entire screen.

He thinks he is looking through the viewing hole.

Actually a good pic

Till next time....with news of the newest addition!

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