Our babies

Monday, August 17, 2015

We are officially outnumbered

Well, I am sure you have seen the posts on Facebook or have received a text  - Kelvin Michael White has entered the world! He made his appearance at 9:32am after a rather successful C-section. They say the cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times! I asked how that happens and was told it is because he was active in womb. You're telling me! This kid was very active...actively kicking me. He came out screaming. A good set of lungs on this kid for sure! He weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 19 3/4 in long. When Mike was cutting his umbilical cord, Kelvin reached up and grabbed his arm. At St.John they try to push the Golden hour (an hour of skin to skin time with mom right after delivery) but Kelvin didn't want to do that. Every time they brought him to me (while I was being stitched up) he would stop crying and change colors. So Daddy went with him to the room and they got him calmed down, cleaned up and ready. He just had a difficult time getting all that gunk out of his lungs.

Ready to go to the hospital!

waiting and waiting and waiting

It's go time!
Mike's ready!

It's a boy!

Mike thought it was a boy but I was uncertain. In fact, I was hoping for a girl because I had girl names ready but hadn't settled on a boy name yet.  But when Dr. Shepherd yelled, "It's a boy!" I was thrilled. We had the named Kelvin on our list and when I saw him I knew that was the one. The name Kelvin came about when we saw the name Calvin. With the last name of White, we like to have a fairly unique name (Asher and Ayla are perfect examples of this). Kelvin is a unit of measure that Mike uses daily at work. There is a famous physicist, Lord Kelvin, and this unit of measure is named after him. With Mike being a physicist, we thought it was a fitting name. 

I was back in the room a little after 10. Then I finally got to hold him and snuggle. This stinker went right for the nipple! He rooted around, found it, latched on and sucked like he was a pro.  I was a little in shock (and so were my nipples!) because the other two babies took awhile to figure eating out. Not Kelvin. He must know that he is a third kid and will have to pick up on things quick if he wants it.

Tons of babies were born the same day as Kelvin. We heard they actually rescheduled many c-sections and inductions. Because of that, we were in labor and delivery room all day and didn't move to postpartum until around 8 that night.  Whites were able to come up and visit, but the kids didn't make it up the first day. We did Skype with them and Asher was very excited. Although he said he wanted a sister, I think he is okay with a brother.

Thursday was a great day but full of pain. I was able to get up and out of bed. Let me tell you, brushing my teeth and washing my face never felt so good! Asher and Ayla came up before lunch. Asher came right to the bed and wanted to know about Baby Kelvin. He wanted to hold him and love on him. The video and pictures don't do justice. It was a sweet sweet moment that I will forever remember. Ayla was a different story. She didn't look at me or the baby. She wanted NOTHING to do with us. You can see by the looks in her eyes in the pictures. It was awesome seeing them and having them meet Kelvin. Asher did accidentally elbow my belly while he was sitting next to me. I thought my insides were coming back out. That was a set back to getting my pain levels under control.

Kids shirts say Big, Middle, and New.

Mama, I love Baby Kelvin

Kelvin is a love bug. His head seems proportionate to his body (unlike his siblings). He reminds me of a little turtle because of how his head and eyes move around when he wants to eat. If he is snuggling he will snuggle my face as if to remind me that he is still here and hungry. He is already sleeping in 3 hour stretches at night and goes 2-3 hours between feedings during the day. Now that we are home, Ayla is coming around and doesn't hate me or Kelvin. She is a little rough and will tip him out of the bouncy chair if we weren't watching. We took Kelvin to the doctor today for follow-up and he is already back to him birth weight. The doctor says it usually takes 10 days, but Kelvin made it back by 5. Just more proof that he likes to eat and learned how to eat correctly....from day one!

Going home!

He looks like an old man.

matching babies

Hey Rex!

I don't have a lot of pictures of all the fun MeMaw and Papa had with Asher and Ayla, but I don't know what we would have done without them. I know Asher went to see a movie with Papa and Uncle Danimal. They played outside almost everyday because Memaw LOVES being outside and the weather was beautiful.  The kids got tons of attention and I really appreciated them being here.

Bounce house at church

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