Our babies

Sunday, October 25, 2015

2 Months and a little more.

A little past due, but we have had a busy few weeks with lots of fun visitors!

Kelvin: 11lbs 3oz (38%) 23in (53%) Head 40.1cm (53%)    Size 1 diapers (and have been for quite a few weeks)   Mostly size 3m clothes     This is crazy to us because our big kids were much smaller. Kelvin seems so much longer. It is fun to see such large numbers when we go to the doctor.
He looks around and is very observant. He can lift his head well and even rolled over a few times. He laughs and smiles a lot - especially when being changed. Loves to eat. Longest sleeping stretch was 8hrs. He goes down around 7:30/8 with the rest of the crew. If I kept him up later, I wouldn't have to wake up at all at night. But Mike and I really like our hour or two at night with all kids in bed.

Ayla: Size 4 diapers (this is uncharted territory for us because Asher never got past size 3)   Size 5 shoes   Size 18-24m clothes. She is talking a few more words. Her favorites to say are Bite? Bite? (she loves eating whatever Daddy is eating) Ry me! Ry me! (Carry me! Another favorite when Daddy is around) Svee Tea Svee Tea (Her southern side is coming thru)   Ayla loves helping with Kelvin. She will get his pacifier, blanket, burp cloth, whatever he needs. She does get a little too close and has sat on him a few times. She loves clapping and dancing (sometimes to the tune only she hears).

Asher: We really need size 3T clothes for length, but he can fit into 18m for the waist size.  He is wearing size 8 shoe. Naps are slowing down. Sometimes it is only 3 times a week, but he still goes in his room and rests.  He has some scripture memorized (thanks to Wednesday morning Bible Study and his Can I see the King? book) Luke 1:13 and Luke 18:27. Asher loves knowing what we are doing and if I tell him a schedule, he makes sure I stick with it.

MeMaw, Papa and Uncle Danimal were in town a few weekends ago. We were able to spend some time outside and visited Pumpkin Town.  Mike and I also got a few hours away from the kids! Uncle Bry was in town working at the Tulsa State Fair. We went out a few times to see him and enjoy his awesome Cherry Limeade! Aunt Missy, Uncle Jon and Cousin Harrison were here last weekend. We went to Carmichaels farm and had a lot of cousin time.

We are in a great routine during the week. With the YMCA, Church and Bible Study, we have an outing everyday.  The pics and videos will show our adventures as a family of 5.

At the fair and Uncle Bry's stand!

On the sky Ride. It was fully enclosed. The kids liked it!

Bath time with MeMaw

 Fun time at the trailer!

Pumpkin Town!

MeMaw took her turn carrying Kelvin. 

2 months!

Date night!


Uncle Bry taking on all 3 kids!

Flights delayed - first meeting didn't go as planned

 All 8 seats occupied in the mini van!

Kelvin snuggling with Aunt Missy

We had so much fun! I wish we got to all be together more often

Hump Day!!!

Matching PJs from Gam Gam. They were not in the mood for a picture. 

Uncle Bry with Kelvin. 

One of the best parts was playing ball in the back yard. So fun

Lunch silliness!

I will post Halloween pictures next week! Asher is so excited to be Hulk!!

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