Our babies

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The big move!

We had a successful move! Kids are adjusting but definitely testing the waters. Asher is sassier than ever and Kelvin doesn't like sleeping.  Mike has had a week at his new job and so far it's going well. The kids and I have found a few things to do and joined a Bible study with MeMaw.  We are trying to establish day to day routines. I will walk you through our move with pictures.

This was zookeeper Asher at church.  He was sharing about being a zookeeper to his lions in front of all his friends. This was one of his last days there. We sure do miss Battlecreek!

Ayla's birthday picture from church. 

Watching the POD be delivered

A few last naps before packing up. 

Helping us pack

The POD is loaded!!!

 Our last night

And we are off! Mike, Asher and Ayla were in the van with the trailer. Kelvin, Rex and I were in the CR-V.
 We stopped in Urbandale for the night to break up the drive. It is so nice being close to family now. The kids have seen Gam Gam and Uncle Bry quite a few times in the past couple of weeks.

When we got to the Whites, the kids' rooms were decorated and ready to go! Asher and Ayla are sharing Daddy and Uncle Danimal's old room.

Papa and Uncle Mike built a swing set for the kids!
 There is a nice long driveway to ride scooters, cars and bikes on. 

 We took over the third floor attic. We have a mini fridge, microwave, sink and bathroom. It is like a studio apartment. This way we have our own space when we need it.

The Glen Ellyn library is amazing! We have been there a few times to play already. 

Asher learned to write his name. We are still working on it, but not bad for a first try (his is on bottom).

We were in Glen Ellyn a week, and I drove back to Iowa to drop Ayla off with Gam Gam and Uncle Bry. I was in a wedding in Dallas, and we were leaving the kids behind. I thought it was best to separate them. That gave each kid a little more attention and made it easier on the grandparents. I love living close enough to be able to do this!

Asher and Kelvin stayed with MeMaw and Papa. This was our first trip away from the kids in 4 years (yeah, we haven't ever left them all). We had a blast and definitely needed it.

It was great to be back home with the babies, but I am already looking forward to our next getaway. We are so thankful for our families. They are watching kids so we can leave, opening their homes for us and taking great care of us during this season of life. We definitely couldn't do it without them.

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