Our babies

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

After 6 years we have a 4 year old, big girl panties, and smiles for days.

A lot has happened in the past weeks. Things are finally slowing down, but that doesn't mean it has been quiet around here. Easter, then Asher's birthday and potty training..oh my!

We have a 4 year old!! What?!?! Yeah, how can it be that Asher is 4! We have definitely had some rough days with him lately. He didn't really experience the terrible twos, to terrible threes, but 4s, now this is when we have had problems. I think it has a lot to do with the move, potty training Ayla, and adult getaways. We have to stay on him and talk quite a bit about manners. On a totally different note, Asher has learned to play LEGO XBOX games with Mike. I think this is Mike's dream come true. It is really cute watching father-son game playing at night. Asher is pretty good too! He has also learned how to write his name! He is pretty proud of himself...and he should be too! I think I mentioned that last month, but he is writing it everywhere so I mentioned it again. Next thing Mike wants to work on is reading. :) We had a SuperHero birthday party for Asher and he loved every last bit of it. He is so excited to be 4 years old now.

First time writing his name

Easter egg hunt

Lunch with Uncle Danimal

dress up


Birthday party!!

If you listen, you can hear Asher singing sweetly.

Ayla is a big girl now! She is officially out of diapers. YAY! We used the three day method again like we used with Asher. It was a rough go. Ayla is very strong willed and hard headed. I learned early on that if it wasn't Ayla's idea to go potty, she wasn't going to go.  It was a huge help having MeMaw and Papa here to watch the other two kiddos. It was just me and Ayla hanging out for about a week (she took more than 3 days to really master it). We have been at it for a little more than two weeks now and we have far more dry days and nights. Very few, if any, accidents. Woo! Lots of singing and dancing and jelly beans. Similar to Asher, she would hold it and dance around, roll on the floor almost in pain until she can't hold it anymore, and then she will go to the bathroom.  Even when Ayla decides she has to go potty, she will stop and pick up a toy on the way. Crazy girl. And the other new thing....make-up. Ayla enjoys wearing make-up. 

 She has to go sooooo bad, but won't give in...



Kids went to a touch-a-truck event

Smile, smile, smile. That is really all I can tell you about Kelvin. Kelvin is growing like crazy and happy as ever. No more breastfeeding. He was over it and that's fine with me. He is scooching backwards all over the place and never seems sad. 
He ate a black crayon while I was running to the bathroom with Ayla

Teething cookie.
Mike and I celebrated our 6th anniversary this past weekend. We took a train into the city and spent a night away from kids. I forgot how much fun Chicago can be when you have  no plans and just wander. Thankful again for the Whites for watching the kids and allowing us to get away. We had a blast!

We had a great time at the Virgin Hotel! 
Mimosas in bed!!

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