Our babies

Monday, October 17, 2016

Kelvin is 1....and a few months more

 Kelvin turned one in August...so I am a little behind. He started walking around 10 months! He is in size 3 diapers and 12-18 and 18m clothes! He is by far our biggest baby and is growing faster than the others. He is in size 4 and 5 shoes (depends on the shoe). Kelvin is a funny kid. He has learned to throw fits and will show you how mad he is. Example: We give him a cookie. He didn't want a cookie, he wanted something else. You try and give him the cookie again. While making eye contact, Kelvin will throw the cookie on the ground and smash it with his hand or foot.  He tries to do anything the older two kids do. Loves: Strawberries, blueberries and grapes; crackers; hummus and bread; mac and cheese. Hates: quesadillas, hamburger, most vegetables. Kelvin likes to dance and LOVES playing with balls.

For his birthday we celebrated at our new house. On his actual birthday we had cake and played.

 A few days after his birthday, we celebrated with the Whites!

The weekend after his birthday we traveled to Iowa for the Iowa State Fair and his 3rd and final birthday. We celebrated in the Red Room with cake and gifts. Those of you that know us, know that the ISF if a pretty big part of our lives. Last year was the first year I missed it in 30+ years....due to having Kelvin. So it was fun celebrating out there.

The other two kiddos are doing well too!

Asher - We are finally making our way into 4T clothes! He needs them more for length than for waist. I have  a feeling Kelvin will catch up to him in size quickly. He still loves preschool and has such great stories each day when I pick him up. He is getting pretty good at riding his scooter and walking Rex. Remember how sweet Asher was when Kelvin was born? That sweetness came back when Baby Ryan was born. He is such a gentle protector.

Ayla - This girl cracks me up. Her personality is coming through more and more with the more phrases and words she learns. She is in 2T clothes and enjoys wearing Asher's hand-me-down pajamas. She is loving dolls and babies to play with. She adores Asher and wants to be just like him (and that annoys him). She tries to mother Kelvin - and talks in a high/baby voice while she does it. Ayla HATES socks and shoes. She is usually barefoot. She goes outside any chance she gets. This past week we threw away her YAYA(pacifier). It was tearing and it was time. She has done great!

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