Our babies

Monday, November 14, 2016

Fun Videos

The kids love watching the videos we have taken of them. I thought it was weird at first, but then I realized how fun it was to watch them being silly. Here are a few of my favorites. It reminds me that 1) they CAN and DO get along (a thing to remember on terrible days) 2) they are always learning and growing 3) they have amazing personalities 4)they are KIDS!

Side note: Kelvin's first word was Batman. His two favorite words are 'breakfast' and 'batman'. Any meal is considered breakfast and any masked person or super hero is Batman. Kelvin had his 15 month check up today. He is 22lbs 9oz (50th%), 31in long (50th%), and head of 49.2cm (96th%). To put this in perspective Ayla was 20lbs 28in and Asher was 20lbs (3rd%) 29in (10th%). Kelvin seems huge to us! Today he was wearing the same outfit that Asher wore at 2 1/2. :) I love how different each of my babies are. 

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